Chapter 12

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We ran to the operation room to find a man standing in front of it, it is Mr. Tray.

"Mr. Tray!" I said with confusion.

"Nancy, why are you here?" He said with shock.

"I was in the hospital, why are you here?"

"Well, I don't know how to say this... Your mother"

"I know what happened to my mother but that doesn't tell me why you are here"

"Were you the one who found her?" Adam asked.

"Yes, yes, I was. I am so sorry for what happened"

"Thank you, sir. For rescuing my mother"

"It's my duty, dear"

We are waiting; we have been waiting for half an hour, now. It's torture.

Mr. Tray, Adam and I have been waiting on chairs opposite to the operation room.

"If this isn't the longest operation ever," I said with impatience and anger.

"Calm down," Adam said.

"How can I be calm when my mom is between life and death?"

"She is right," Mr. Tray said, "you haven't seen her mother, I thought an animal did it not a person"

"You are not helping," Adam whispered in anger.

The nurse came out and we ran to her, "how is mom?"

"She lost a lot of blood and we need blood for her"

"What type is she?" Adam asked.

The nurse gave us a pitiful look, "o negative"

"I am A," Adam said

"I am B," I said then looked at Mr. Tray, "what about you, sir?"

"Sorry, dear. I am B as well"

"Adam, in your family..."

"A and AB"

"Then let's start the search"

"How, exactly?"

"From door to door, of course," I said, "we don't have another choice"

We split up and started searching and after a long tiring search, finally, I found a donor. It was Mickey's mother.

I called Adam and told him, we decided to meet in the hospital.

Once we arrived, I told a nurse about the situation so she took Mrs. Scott and I went to the operation room.

Mr. Tray was still waiting, "so?" He asked eagerly.

I smiled, "I found someone"

He smiled, "good"

Adam arrived shortly then the nurse with the blood.

We sat again and Mrs. Scott came to us shortly.

"Mrs. Scott, I don't know how to thank you"

"My dear, your mother would have done the same thing," she said holding my hands, "I have to..." Then her warm expression turned into a horror one.

"Is something wrong?"

"Huh," she looked at me, "no, no, my dear, I have to go, excuse me"

Then she left.

"What was that about?" Adam asked.

I shrugged, "I have no idea, the most important thing is that my mother has the extra blood that will help her"

While sitting, my eyes became heavy until it closed.

Mom is combing my hair; I can see myself as a 7 year old in the mirror. She was singing to me and I was moving my mouth with the lyrics of the song. Suddenly, it became dark but we were shining my mother and I then she started fading away. "Mommy, mommy, don't leave me, mommy," I started screaming. She was smiling but still fading, "mommy, mommy"

"Mommyyy," I woke up startled.

"Nancy, what's wrong?" Adam said. He was sitting next to me.

"Nothing," I said covering my face, "just a nightmare"

"You worried me"

"What time is it?"


"The operation took a very long time"

"Yeah, but don't worry. That gives you hope that they are trying to help her"

"Yes but it also means that the operation is a hard one," I looked in front of me to find Mr. Tray looking at us.

"You really need to work on what you should and shouldn't  say," Adam said with anger and irritation.

Before the conversation could continue, the door opened and Dr Bayliss came out.

"So?" I asked running to him.

"The operation succeeded"

I hugged him. I hugged Dr Bayliss so tight that I think that he was losing his breath.

"Sorry, doctor but the news is too good"

"True that," he said with a smile, "listen to me, the operation was successful but she is tired and she won't wake up until after a day or two"

"If she is fine, I don't care how long it will take her to be better"

"Excuse me, then," he said leaving.

"My mother is better, she is fine"

"Yes, she is," Adam said, "I told you to have hope"

"Well, I am very happy that your mother returned to her health," Mr. Tray said, "I will leave you, now"

I gave him the widest smile, "thank you, sir for everything that you have done"

"I only did what anyone would do," and with that, he left.

"I don't like that man," Adam said.

"True, he does have one of the weirdest remarks in history but he is a sweet man"

"Do you hate anyone?"

"Not really, no," I said with a smile.

Then, mom came out of the operation room on the stretcher. I ran to her, "oh, mom. You will be fine, you will"

Then the nurses continued walking and Adam held my arms, "she will, sweetheart, she will"

"Let's get you to your home," he said.

"I won't leave my mother here alone"


"Don't you even try," I said with stubbornness, "what if the murderer came again? What, then? I will stay with her until she wakes up"

"Fine, let's go"

I looked at him, "you aren't coming with me, are you?"

He came closer to me, "of course, I am. I can't live without you by my side"

I was speechless. I just stoof there like a fool.

Then he held my hand, "let's go"

We saw the nurse who asked us for the blood, "excuse me, but where is Mom's room?"

"Room 302, at the end of the corridor"

"Thank you"

Once we reached there, I opened the door.

She looked so peaceful the way she slept like that.

I am with you, mommy. Nothing bad will happen to you, again. I swear to you that you will remain safe. And the bastard who did that to you will pay. I swear to you that he will.

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