{Chapter Eleven}

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You began to panic as you stared at Pennywise. He was dead serious. His eyes had changed to bright orange as he smiled evilly and towards you face, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Slobber fell onto you face and you whimpered, scared of what he might do.

Pennywise giggled and slowly licked your cheek, leaving a trail of slime behind. You cringed as he slowly ran one of his hands up your side, stopping just under your arm. He realized you were petrified and smirked, getting off of you and pulling up your shirt to expose your belly.

You gasped and tried to get up but couldn't, your body wouldn't let you. Pennywise chuckled and leaned down, dragging his tongue along your skin.

You shivered and squirmed a bit, squeaking when he started to nibble at your skin. His sharp teeth grazed your flesh and you whined again, making him giggle with pleasure. His warm breath flooded over you belly, then he sat up and fixed your shirt. "You'll taste divine, my sweet cake~" he purred and disappeared.

You were terrified and laid there, your arms crossed over your chest. The wet saliva on your stomach felt uncomfortable, and you were scared that Pennywise would try to do something else when he came back...

You eventually sat up and shivered, looking around. You slowly stood up and looked around the lair, staring at the different toys...

~Flash Back~

You were sitting with Barney in your room. It was your tenth birthday, and you guys had just woken up. You were both super excited for the day ahead of you. As you guys took turns getting dressed, you heard an awful scream. You and your brother ran out of your room to see your mother, laying there on the kitchen floor. She was surrounded by a pool of blood and had her neck ripped open. Your brother nearly passed out, and so did you. Your father ran into the room, his eyes filled with tears. He fell to his knees and cried. And so did you.

~End Flash Back~

You stooped down and picked up one of the toys. It was a small stuffed bear, with black fur and big green eyes. Like your mother...she had black hair and the same big green eyes.

You stared at the toy then sat back on the ground, your mind swirling with thoughts. "He killed her...it was him.." you whispered and turned the doll over in your hands. You read the tag. "(Y/N) (L/N)...." you read out loud. "It has...my name on it.."

You were so busy examining the toy that you didn't realize that a small boy was watching you. He had one arm missing and was wearing a bright yellow rain coat.

"Hello." the boy said quietly, making you jump in surprise. You stared at the boy. "I'm Goargie." You slowly started to inch yourself away from him. "D-Did the clown do that to you?" you asked. The boy just nodded then disappeared from sight.

You curled up into a ball, looking terrified. Time was running out and Pennywise would be back any second. You tried to come up with a plan. What if you went home and told the police. You figured it would work and quickly stood up, trying to remember how you got out of the sewers last time.

"Leaving again, sweet cake?" a raspy voice asked from behind you as Pennywise placed a glove hand on your shoulder. You didn't say anything and squeaked as Pennywise put his arms around your shoulders and sat down behind you, pulling you onto his lap.

"(Y/N)...I need to tell you something." he started to say and sighed, putting his nose against the back of your neck. "I don't want to eat you...I..love you, in a sense..but your fear is starting to get the best of me. I want to keep you alive..and keep you as my own...but you taste so delicious~" He licked your neck softly, making you shiver.

Was this for real..? Was he being sincere?

You didn't say anything still and stayed as quiet as possible. Pennywise laid backwards, pulling you down with him. Now you were laying o top of him, staring at the sewer's ceiling. "You're different then the others...different from Bev..and Billy..."

He started to mumble to himself, gently stroking your stomach with his gloved hand.

"You won't float..(Y/N)..you just can't float.."

You Won't Float {Pennywise x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now