{Chapter Thirteen}

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Warning: This chapter contains a lot of stuff... Read at your own risk.

Pennywise stared at you with an expectant look in his bright orange eyes. You stared right back, feeling hypnotized. "I..don't wanna choose either of them." you finally said quietly.

His bright orange eyes narrowed dangerous as he glared at you. "And why is that?" he asked and leaned closer to your face. His hot breath flooded over you and you flinched slightly. "B-Because either way, I-I don't g-get anything good out of it." you squeaked out.

Pennywise growled loudly. "I let you live, either way." he snarled, his claws digging into your skin. You whimpered quietly. "Just let me go! I don't know you! You're just..a monster!" you shouted, your voice breaking at the end.

The clown gasped, pretending to be hurt. "But sweet cake..you do know me. I'm everything you've ever feared. I am your friend..I am death." he snarled, getting closer to your face. His long tongue fell out of his mouth, making you shudder slightly in disgust.

He giggled and licked your neck, long and slow. You whined and tried to pull away but he quickly tightened his grip. The slobber and drool dripped down your neck and collar bone. You squirmed a bit as he started to lick your cheek and face. He seemed to be enjoying it and stopped near your ear.

Pennywise giggled at the mortified expression on your face. He smirked then stared into your eyes, his tongue still hanging out of his head. "What? Are you...scared?" he asked quietly, giggling. He rested one of his hands on your hip and the other on your shoulder. You stared at him with a terrified expression as he leaned in and gently pressed his lips against yours.

You squeaked in surprise and pulled away quickly. Pennywise looked disappointed them quickly pulled you back, kissing you again. It was a bit rougher, but still gentle as if he was nervous it was happening as well.

After about thirty seconds he let go, smiling slyly. You took a deep breath and tried to move away again, blushing like mad. "Aww, what's wrong baby cakes? Never been kissed by a clown before?" Pennywise asked and chuckled, gently stroking your face.

His lipstick was smeared slightly and you shuddered as he gently wiped a spot at the corner of your mouth. His eyes were still bright orange as he leaned forward again, an affectionate yet evil look in his eyes. "W-What are ya going to do to me?" you asked quietly, trying to pull away still.

"W-What am I going to do to you?" he asked, mocking you and giggling. "I'll do whatever I want. You can't do anything about it."

He pinned you down on the ground, hovering over you and smiling evilly. He slowly lifted up your sweater, exposing your belly and part of your bra. He slowly leaned down and started nibbling at your stomach again, grazing your skin and drawing just a bit of blood.

You whimpered in pain as he started to lick the blood away from your body, leaving large scratches behind from his sharp fangs. You felt him exhale sharply as he slowly licked over your naval, making you blush heavily and shove him away from your belly.

Pennywise growled and glared at you, his bright eyes glowing in the dim light. He lowered his head again and bit down on your stomach, much harder this time. His fangs sank into your flesh, causing you to yelp with pain.

Claws ripped from his gloved hands as his grip on your shoulder tightened. You yelped in pain again then passed out as he ripped the flesh from your stomach.

Hours went by before you woke up. You were laying on the mattress again. And your leggings and shirt were missing now.

You Won't Float {Pennywise x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now