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Tom did not fall from the tower. He made his way out of the building and is now walking home. Still, he felt the need to jump in front on ever passing car.

He went the longer way home, going over a bridge. He stopped in the centre. The water below him looked cold as it made it's way down the trail it follows. The water was about a foot deeper than his height. He found this out when they all were supposed to go swimming at a beach but it was being covered in trash. Instead of forgetting about it and going home, Edd suggested they swam here.

That was when Tom and Tord were only beginning to fight. Tord almost drowned him. He remembered pushing and kicking at Tord. The water stung his eyes and entered his nose and mouth. He gasped in water, everything was going blurred. Even though he was already underwater, the world got more muffled. He stopped struggling and Tord let him go. He used his last surge of strength to surface. He coughed and wheezed, his eyes were clamped shut as every time he were to try opening them they'd sting. Tom found his way to the side of the river where he could touch the bottom. He thought he was going to die.

Tom kind of wished he's died then.

He wonders if it'd be the same. If he'd feel the need for air and the burn in his lungs. If he'd swim to the surface then scold himself later for being such a chicken. If he'd die. If he'd really die. It would all be over. No more worries. No more anything.

That thought made him happy yet tears welled up in his eyes. It would be better that way. For him, Edd, Matt, everyone. No one would be bothered by him. No employees would have to deal with another costumer in a long line of annoying people. No homeless people would hate him for walking by, not even glancing at them. He wouldn't waste food that others would happily enjoy.

Tears fled down his face and dropped into the running water below. He breathed a long sigh and made his way off the bridge. The little voice whispered, Chicken.

When Tom was finally back home, Edd waved and smiled to him as if everything was okay. Tom had the urge to run back outside, jump in front of a car, jump off a building, jump off a bridge. But he simply waved back to Edd and shut the door behind him.

He went to his room. He wanted to forget about this dumb experience. He wanted to forget about the need to jump in front of a car, jump off of a building, jump off of a bridge. The only way he knew how was alcohol.

Matt was in his room when he got there. Rage and annoyance filled him, "What are you doing in here?" Tom said in a harsh tone.

Matt yelped quietly, surprised at Tom's sudden appearance. "Nothing..." He whimpered.

"The truth, Matt. You can't be doing nothing in my room." Tom scoffed angrily.

"I was just looking for something." Matt shrugged.

"For what?" Tom said menacingly. Matt was clearly scared, he was practically shaking.

"Oh, Matt, I found the board game." Tord said, popping his head through the doorway. "Tom! You're scaring poor Matt!" Matt took the chance to sprint out, behind Tord.

"He was in my room." Tom said through clenched teeth.

"He was simply looking for a board game. Oh, Matt, did big bad Tommy scare you?" Tord cooed. "Well he won't anymore, I'll make sure of it. Come on, then. Let's play the board game. You coming, Thomas?"

"No." He yells and slams the door on his stupid face.

Tord's tricked Matt now. Matt's on Tord's side. Matt's going to be afraid of Tom. He should be. Tom can't be this bad of a person without having some sort of disease, can he? That must be the only reason. That is why no one wants to go near him, they'll get infected.

It must be a parasite. Something that eats out a nest inside him. That's why he feels so empty. It emits a poison that makes tears flow easier. It makes it so that Tom feels like he's going to nearly burst and the only thing to ease the pain is to let blood out of him and make more room for the parasite.

But who would have planted a parasite in him? Who has a grudge so big that they'll infect him with diseases? It must have been Tord. Tord put something in his food. He injected Tom with poison while he was asleep. He put something in his flask. Tord infected Tom.

If he's correct, then if he keeps living he'll run the risk of infecting others. Maybe if he dies, he'll kill off the parasite. It'll be for the better good.

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