Eleven. (Epilogue)

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The group had gotten back 3 hours later. Tord was the first to notice the letter on the door. He grabbed the note, he was tempted to tear it apart. This is a joke, right? As he read, tears were brought to his eyes. It was as if Tom passed his sorrow along to Tord.

Your fault, the voice whispered to him. Since when did I care? Tord spit back to the voice. Tom is dead, it's your fault. You killed him. Tord ignored the voice.

"Edd." Tord calls. Tears continue to roll down his face while he wipes them away. Edd walks towards him but stops when he sees that Tord is crying. That's a rare sight. He saw the paper in Tord's hand, reading the words "Dear anyone who cared" and knew exactly what happened.

"No..." He sniffed. "Is..." He couldn't finish that sentence but Tord understood and nodded. Edd fell to his knees. Tears rolled down his cheeks and a sob escaped his lips. Tord handed him the note. He held Edd close as he read it. He whispered "no" throughout the few minutes. Edd buried his face in Tord's chest and sobbed.

Matt heard the commotion and came to them. He hugged Edd and told him that it was okay.

"No it's not!" Edd lashed out. "Tom's dead!" Matt was frightened by this action then confused when Edd hugged him. Matt shrugged off Edd's outburst and hugged the brunette back.

Edd held the note out for Matt, "Do you want to read it?"

"Can you read it to me?" Matt asked.

Edd didn't want to read it ever again. He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want Tom to be dead. He didn't want to believe this. But, pushing away his sorrow, he read the note to Matt, holding back most sobs and trying to be clear. Tord took the note halfway through and read the rest of it himself. At the end, Matt was confused as to who Tom was but didn't think about it that much. Tom died and Edd and Tord were sad about it, thus, Matt was upset as well.

"I want to see him." Edd says.

"Are you sure?" Tord whines. Edd nods. "I will too, then."

Edd opened Tom's unlocked door. There he was. Tom was on his bed. If you didn't read the note, you'd have thought that he was alive, just sleeping. He was facing the door, Edd could see Tom's peaceful face. His eyes were still puffy from crying earlier, his hair was a tangled wreck yet still he looked at peace. He looked beautiful to Edd.

Tord saw Tom. His body just lying still. If Tom was alive, he would have woken up by now and yelled at them for stalking him. Tord missed that. He wished Tom woke up and yelled at him, probably hit him, too.

Matt didn't recognize Tom. Since it looked like he had regular eyes. The Tom he knew had no eyes, thus it couldn't be Tom. Matt thought there was a stranger in his house so he backed up slightly.

Edd leaped forward and hugged Tom's sullen body. He cradled it, as if Tom was something that he could nurse back to health with a hug. He cried into Tom's poor form. Tord patted Edd on his back. They both were letting tears fly. Matt was still in the doorway. He didn't know what was happening until he heard Edd sob, then he was at Edd's side attempting to comfort him.

"Can I be alone with him?" Edd whimpered.

Tord nodded and took Matt out of the room along with himself.

"Hi, Tom." Edd whispered. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I wish I got you some sort of physiatrist. I wish I could have seen the signs sooner." Edd took Tom's cold hand in his. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you," Edd sniffed and wiped his eyes. He brushed Tom's hair from his face.

He lay two fingers down on Tom's eyelid and opened one of his eyes. Edd wished he didn't do that, though a part of him was glad he did. He wanted to see Tom's eyes one last time. He saw Tom's dark, lifeless eye socket. Somehow, he thought they were looking at him. He couldn't tell for sure, but he just thought so.

He sighed, wiping his eyes and closing Tom's. He stood, "Good bye, Tom. I'll miss you." And he left the room.

"Do you want to say something?" Edd asked Matt.

Matt thought and nodded, "Okay."

Matt walked into the room. "I don't know you personally, Tom, but Edd and Tord seem to have loved you. I hope you go to somewhere nice with rainbows and unicorns and cupcakes. Have fun there. Buh bye." His Goodbye was short and sweet. He left the room and asked Tord if he wanted to see Tom.

He nodded, "Yeah."

"Hey, Jehovah's witness." Tord says. "I didn't think you'd really do it." Tord sat down beside Tom on the bed. "I really thought you were stronger. I really thought..." Tord shook his head and wiped his teary eyes. "I guess it's my fault? Want me to say sorry, Thomas? Heh... I kind of will miss you. I'm sorry, I guess." He sniffed and held back a sob.

"You know when you were cutting? And I was outside the door? I thought you were talking about me, calling me names. I heard something drop, I didn't know it was a blade. So I ignored it and continued." Tord explained. "I'm sorry, okay!? I'm sorry..." He whimpered, wiping his eyes again. "I wish I could have fixed this but I was too stupid to apologize or anything. I... I hope that you find peace. I'm sorry." Tord stood up. "Goodbye, Witness."

As he left, Tord swore he heard Tom's voice but when he looked back he saw Tom still just lying there. He chuckled and wiped his eyes.

"Bye, commie."

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