Day 1

27 1 0

I never want to work for anyone. I work for myself. But when there is money thrown around, things can get blurry and minds can change. So I took a job and that's where today starts.

Right now it's about 6 in the morning and I was a bit nervous about what could happen when I meet up with this guy who had a list. Yes, a list. An important list. But all I know is that each name is worth a different amount.

I grabbed my red hoodie and walked out the door. I had to get this done and be at school on time. And if you were wondering, yes, I'm in high school and I'm 17. And yes, I am a killer and it is the best part of being alive.

Anyway, I had to meet this guy at a coffee place. I think that's a stupid place to meet someone but whatever, not my choice. About a block away, I noticed something weird. There were some interesting cars parked across the street from the cafe. The windows and everything were solid black. There were also men sitting outside the place, wearing big jackets. I could be paranoid but I wasn't going to take the chance.

I changed my course, knowing my way around the place. I pulled my phone out and called the guy. He answered on the first ring. "Where the hell are you?" He demanded.

"Are you there right now?" I asked, sounding casual.

"Yeah, so where are you? Are you flaking on me, kid?"

"No, if you look out the window there are some black cars with dark windows parked across the street. And right outside there are some men in black jackets. I think they're cops and no way I'm getting caught."

His breathing was uneasy and loud. "Shit, what do I do?"

"God, for someone with a hit list and lots of money you're unprofessional. Causally leave and meet me at the park across from Twin Tree High School. I'll be there in 20 minutes and you better be there or you can find someone else. And I swear to god if the cops are there, I'm going to find and kill you." I hung up.

I'm new to this whole working for someone else but is it actually this hard? I got to the park and didn't see anything weird. I hope he listened to me, I don't have the time or want to hunt him down. I saw this old man get out of his car and looked around. I pulled out my phone and called him again. The man took out his phone.

"Where are you?"

"Right behind you. And stop looking around." I hung up and started to walk away from him. A slowed down as he got closer. I sat down on a bench and he sat next to me.

"Are you really him?" He asked, not looking at me.

"Yeah, you have the list?" I took a quick glance at him as he reached into his pocket and grabbed a piece of paper. "When you get up, leave it on the bench. After each kill makes the news, I want you to come here and leave the money in a bag under this bench, understand?"

"Yeah," he looked at me before looking away. "How old are you, kid?"

I couldn't tell if he wanted to know or not. "I'm 17 and you have to leave." He nodded and got up leaving the paper like I said. God, I hope this was worth it.

I took the paper and looked at the names. Looking at the numbers, when I'm done with everyone on the list I should have a half million at least. Good money doing something I love. Can life get any better? And then the bell rang. Time for school. At least I can think of different ways of killing each.

The days drag on and I made my decisions. I was going to kill the first three names on the list since they're related. During the day, I made some calls and found out that they were all going to dinner tonight together. Funny right?

Anyway, after school, I headed home to get ready. I grabbed my dark jeans, and black tee-shirt. I took out my lip piercing and found my black beanie. My platinum blonde hair would give me away if someone saw me. I went to my room and moved my bed to grab my weapons. I was taking on more than one person, so I had to have a plan. And worst come to worst, I could just shoot all three and walk away. But that's no fun.

The three had reservations at 6 and I think they'd be done in about an hour, maybe two, later. So I would have to wait until then. Since I did bring home my school stuff, I guess I could do some homework while I wait. I can't wait to be out of school. I won't have to worry about any of this and I could just kill when I want.

When the time rolled around, I was finished with all the homework from the last few weeks. At least I could get my grades up. I grabbed my other backpack and headed out the door.

When I got there, the one thing I didn't want to happen, happened. They brought their wives. I was told that just the three of them were coming. I called up my friend and he told me that they changed the number of people. Fuck. What am I going to do?

I took a deep breath and decided I was still going to do this. I will have to get the men by themselves. Don't women go to the bathroom together? Whatever, I have to think of something. 

I quickly took out my phone and called one of the men and said that their house was burning down. The oldest one got up and told everyone what happened, that's what I'm guessing anyway, and then they all left.

Now all I have to do is set their house on fire. Damn, why did I do that? Maybe I shouldn't do this tonight? Okay, whatever, fuck it. I walked away. There were way too many of them for me to kill them all at once.

I started walking home when another thought came to mind. What if I could find someone else? I pulled out my phone and looked at the list. I had collected information about each one. Face, address, where they worked, family, to start. One face stuck out.

Amanda Wright, she worked at Club Red. I go to the club once a week for fun. Why Amanda? And how didn't I notice this before? Whatever, she's worth 30k. I won't be too sad about this. I changed direction. Once there, I hid my backpack, took off my beanie. I tried to look normal. I got to the doors and showed my fake ID. I knew Amanda was willing to be paid to do anything. So I asked for her.

After a minute, she walked over. She wore some very skimpy clothing and a fake smile but who actually cared. I talked her into coming over to my house after her shift. I waited for her. I had a bit of fun first but I wanted to get this over with. I went outside and grabbed my stuff once the place closed.

Amanda was the first to walk out. She had to trench coat over her other outfit. Like I cared. I thought for a second before I changed the plan. I asked her if we could go over to her house or maybe a hotel room. She agreed with the last one and didn't ask may questions. we walked over to first one we saw. I gave her some money to buy the room. I had her do it some on one who knows I was her.

Now that I was thinking about what I'm about to be. I took too many risks today with her. I had asked for her. With the video footage this place must have, I'll be the last person with her. I had to do something. Right now. I thought about these pills I had in my backpack. They could kill someone easily. It would look like an overdose and I will be in the clear. Even if I was called in, I would just tell them what I know.

"Ready?" Amanda asked. I nodded. We walked into room 27.

"I'm not sure if you would want to, but I have an idea..." I acted all nervous when I was the opposite.

"What is it?" She walked over to the bed.

"I got these drugs from a friend and he said if we both took them we would have the best sex ever." I reached into my backpack and grabbed the bag. It had four white pills in it.

"Looks harmless."

"Yeah, I've done it before and it was awesome."

"Okay, let's do it." I walked over to her and handed her two of them. She took them dry. I turned away and acted like I took the other two. I knew the effects were quick. All I had to do was stall time.

"Maybe, we shouldn't do this..." I sighed.

"No, it will be alright."

"Are you sure?" Come on pills, kick in.

"Yeah...everything...we...I rest..." Final.

"It's okay. How about we try this some other time?" She nodded, laying back on the bed. "Okay, bye." I waved and opened the door. I quickly looked through my backpack and placed the pill container in her jacket.

One down, 19 more to go.

Hey, everyone! I hope you liked the first chapter. I'm going to be updating every Wednesday, just so you know. Leave a review if you liked.

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