Day 28

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I could feel someone staring at me. I opened my eyes and sat up. Right in front of me was Quinn, wide awake and holding something. I tried to move away but I couldn't go far, there were handcuffs on my hands holding me to the bed.

"Quinn?" I asked, my voice failing. I'm scared and not hiding it very well.

"Morning, Ty." He said as if no if this was happening. "Hungry? I made some food."

I took a deep breath. I was a professional killer. "Yeah, I would love to eat. How about you let me out of these handcuffs first." I wasn't going to try to reason. I could get out of then if I had too.

"Okay. But first, you have to answer a question for me." I was unsure what to say, so I didn't say anything. He showed me what was in his hands, my gun. "What is this?"

"It's a gun," I stated. Maybe if I played dumb this wouldn't end badly?

He laughed. "True, very true. It is a gun. But what is it doing in my house? It's not mine or my parents. So, where did it come from?"

"Where did you find it?" I didn't leave that gun in my bag. I had that one on me when I went to sleep.

"That doesn't matter, Ty. What were you going to do with it?" These were good points.

"Nothing now," I muttered.

He cocked the gun. He was going to kill me with my own gun. It could look like a suicide. That gives me an idea. "Tyler, I really like you but I need to know if your planning on killing me."

"It's because of you. For some reason you got your name put on a list."

He stopped. Quinn dropped the gun to the ground and luckily it didn't go off. "I'm on a fucking hit list?" He asked. I nodded. "Mother fucker." He yelled.

"I have a plan," I said, attempting to calm him down.

He turned to me. "No fucking way, Page. You're not going to kill me and get all the money for it."

"But you won't be dead. We just had to make it look it you are." I tied to reason but he wasn't having it.

"But you'll-"

"No, we. Both of us. We could make it look like a suicide and I'll get paid. Then we'll split it." Quinn got up and walked around for a bit before he sat back down.

"Fine, I'll have to make a few calls and leave town again but let's do this." He said as he uncuffed me from the bed. "One more thing?"

"Yeah, what?"

"Are you telling me you're one the cops are looking for?" I nodded. "Okay, let's do this."

"I have to make a call first." I got up and grabbed my phone.

"Call who?"


"Hello?" Avery asked.

"Hi, girl," I said.

"What's up? Do you want to come over?" I rolled my eyes.

"No, the plans have changed," I stated simply as I could.

"What do you mean? Tyler, do you need help?"

"No, just wait for men to text you."

"Tyler, wait-"

"Later." I hung up. I could not deal with her concerns right now.

"So what's the plan, boss?" I smirked at that.

"Call your parents. We need them to agree to this." He nodded.


"Because your death needs to be on the news and I bet they'll help with that."

Tyler PageWhere stories live. Discover now