Untitled Part 24

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Erika and Jake both woke up at 9:00 shocked

E: wow, Miles hasn't woke up yet, that's a surprise

J: yeah this never happens, I'm gonna go check on him 

E: ok hurry back

J: I will 

Jake gets out of bed and walks to the nursery to check on Miles

J:  oh my god what happened in here

Erika gets out of the bed and runs into Miles nursery 

E: What happened

J: He apparently thinks that because he got big boy underwear that he can not pee anywhere he wants.

E: Oh god 

Miles had peed all in his crib and was sleeping naked

E: oh my god it smells like piss inhere 

J: yeah I know

E: we've gotta wake him up and bathe him 

J: I know I'll wake him up you go get the bath started 

E: babe you know I can still pick and clean him up. I'm not that pregnant 

J: I know but just go do it


Erika walks to the bathroom to get a bath started and Jake wakes Miles up

Jake walks over to the crib

J: buddy you gotta get up you gotta get a bath

Miles turns and smiles at Jake

MI: daddy I big boy no diaper

J: buddy you still need one at night so you don't wet the bed

MI: oh ok like sissy 

J: yeah like sissy(Macy)... Come on we gotta take you to momma to get bathed

MI: ok*sticks his arms up*

Jake picks him up and takes him to Erika

Jake runs him to the bathroom

J: here *gives him to Erika*

MI: momma I big boy

E: yeah but you can't take your diaper off because you still wet the bed

MI: I know dada told me 

E: ok 

Erika lifts him up and puts him in the bathtub and washes him and his hair and then puts a diaper back on him

MI: mama, I don't wear diaper

E: yes you do you have to learn to not pee in your underwear first and then you can wear them

MI: NO mama

E: yes you have to wear it *Erika puts him on the floor*

Miles runs to the bathroom and shuts the door and takes his diaper off 

E: MILES open the door

MI: no mama no diaper 

Miles had locked the door


Jake comes running into the room

J: what what happened 

E: he locked himself in the bathroom 

J: why

E: I told him that he had to wear a diaper

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