Day with Dylan

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Jake POV

Today me and Erika woke up and went and made breakfast before Miles, Ava, Stella, or Macy got up. We cooked breakfast and I put my hands around her waist. Just like the times before kids. God I miss those days so much sometimes. But I love the life that I got now. I wouldn't trade the world for this. 

Erika POV

Today me and Jake were making breakfast and he had his hands round my waist form the backside of her. Man I missed those days before kids. But I love what relationship me and Jake have now. 

Erika and Jake have breakfast together until they hear Miles at the stairs. 

MI: mama hewp pwease 

Erika walked up the stairs to see him trying to get down them

E: how did you get to the stairs lil man

MI: I cwal out of cwib

E: wow we need to fix that 

MI: no I don't like sweep

E: I know that but we can't be having you get out of your crib like that. 

Erika grabbed him and walked downstairs and made him some milk and gave him some oatmeal. 

A: daddy 

J: yes

A: can you come get me I don't wanna walk down the stairs

J: ok hold none sec

he walks up the stairs to see all of the girls standing there

J: well well than do you want he to pick up all of you

they all shake their heads yes

J: I only have two arms so someone has to walk 

S: I will

J: ok thank you

Jake picks the girls and takes them to get some breakfast 

They eat and go and get baths and ready for the day. They were gonna go to the movies but had to find someone to watch Miles because he was to young to sit still through the hole thing. 

*ring ring 

J: Hey Dylan

D: I'm at your gate. Will you come get me?

J: yeah!

Jake walks to gate and lets Dylan in 

J: so... What happened

D: well... Me and Taylor.. well I think she broke up with me... I couldn't face my family...

J: oh... I'm sorry

E: Hey Dylan

A: DYLAN!!!!!!

D: can I stay for a few days...?

I whisper

J: let me ask Erika

Jake walks over to Erika and then she nods yes

D: thanks

M; Dylan!!

MI: Dwylan?...

S: hey Dylan!

They all hug and play some games 

MI: Dwlyan! I almost 2!

E: yep in 2 weeks you will be!

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