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  "We know you guys are some of the closest friends on set so how did you meet?" The interviewer asked.

  "Oh this is a funny story." You laugh looking at your best friend, "Wyatt would you care to explain?"

" You laugh looking at your best friend, "Wyatt would you care to explain?"

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  "Ok sooo basically, everyone knows that I was on shake it up. Gosh I can never live that down. Anyway, Y/N was actually the girl that ran out of the haunted house right before the main stars entered and said something like don't go in there, it was a dare and I'm already scared or something like that. Well there was this malfunction with one of the costumes,  and they had to hold off the scene for like five minutes. They asked us if we could just stay where we were and wait, so we did and we started talking. I don't remember what we talked about, but I know that we both really enjoyed the conversation. We hung out until her mom came to get her. I think we saw each other at the arcade and hung out there for like two days after. Then we just kinda lost connection."

   "Then like three or four years later, we somehow both get cast in IT. I remember getting off the plane with Finn because we flew together since we both live in Vancover, and the others were there to greet us. Hes like the first person I really noticed because its hard to miss the noddle hair, and we both kinda paused for a moment before I was like, 'Ghost boy is that you.' and he goes 'Want to bet on it,' because that's like his iconic line in the episode. I met everyone else in the cast and then I went back to talking with the Wy and we just caught up." You finished, smiling at Wyatt. He smiled back and the rest of the cast exchanged glances.


i'll leave it up to you to decide what those looks ment😉

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