Christmas morning

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    "WAKE UP!!!" You yell, throwing yourself onto Wyatt's bed.
    "GET UP LOSER. ITS CHRISTMAS!!" Jack yells following you into the room and doing the same.
   "Uhhhh. Get off me assholes,"Wyatt muttered pressing his face into the pillow.
  "No. We want to open gifts." You say as you and Jack jump on the bed. Wyatt grabs your ankle and pulls you down before wrapping his arm around you, trapping you against him.
   "Can't we just snuggle?" Wyatt complains, burring his face in you neck.
   "Oh gosh. I'm gonna go get Finn up. Come help when your done with your morning makeout session." Jack mutters as he fake gags before jumping off the bed and racing to Finns room where they can hear him scream "GET UP TRASHMOUTH."
You giggle before turning over to Wyatt.
     He tried to kiss you, but you put your finger to his lips,"Snuggling doesn't sound bad, but I want you to open your presents, Noodle."he groans and you slip from his grasp. You quickly run out of the door while screaming, "GET UP GHOST BOY."
  "you did not just say that." You could hear him mutter
After you had finally finished getting everyone up, Wyatt came downstairs. Everyone started to open presents, and you and Wyatt exchanged gifts. "Before you open it," Wyatt whispered,"how bout that kiss."

Wyatt Oleff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now