Im sorry [2]

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   More days went by. You had forgiven Wyatt, and now all you wanted was him. You wanted to hold his hand and hug him. You wanted to kiss him and cuddle with him. You missed him more then ever. You sat on your couch staring at your phone, wishing he would text you asking for you back. He had already apologized multiple times, but that was before you forgave him. If he asked for you back, for a second chance, you knew you would give him one.

You sat on your couch, barley watching the tv that was playing when the door bell rang. You got up reluctantly, walking to the door. You looked through the peep hole and jumped back  against the door after seeing the oh so familiar curly hair. Tear pooled in your eyes, and you didn't know if it was out of shock or joy of seeing the face you had longed to see for weeks.

You slowly turned back to the door as he knocked again. "Y/N/N, I know you're there. Please open the door." Wyatt begged. You reached for the handle and opened the door.

He looked relieved to see you. "Y/N. I'm so sorry-" Wyatt started into his apology, but you cut him off by pulling him into a hug.

He was shocked by the sudden gesture and froze up, but slowly he relaxed and wrapped his strong arms around you

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He was shocked by the sudden gesture and froze up, but slowly he relaxed and wrapped his strong arms around you. You breathed in his scent and snuggled deeper into his chest. You could hear his heart thumping in his chest. It was beating quicker then normal.

After what felt like forever, you slowly pulled away. You looked into his brown eyes and you felt the urge to kiss him. You could see it in his eyes as well, so you grabbed his face and pulled it to yours. Your lips touched and instantly the world seemed better.

You stumbled back into the house not breaking the kiss

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You stumbled back into the house not breaking the kiss. It got even more heated as you two sat on the couch. The make out session lasted for a little bit. A very nice little bit. You were so lost in this overwhelming sense of love that you started tugging at the hem of his shirt. That's when he broke the kiss.

"No no this isn't right. I mean it is. It's perfect, but we can't do this. After..after what I did, we need to talk."

"Ok." You frowned the slightest but you knew he was absolutely right.

"First of all, do you even want me back?"

You gave a small laugh as you slid off Wyatt and smuggled into his side, "What you did..that was one of the worst things you could do to our me, but I love you so much and if you asked I would take you back. A second chance."

Wyatt's face lit up with his pretty smile and he planted a kiss on your head before asking,"Well the Y/N, would you be my gorlfriend? Again."


Request by olAf_mispronounced sorry if this wasn't exactly what you wanted. It it's not dm me and tell me how to make it better🙃

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