Lost but Found (3)

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A/N: The last chapter was one ending for the chapter: short two losers, but it was sad, and I had another more happy idea that I wanted to share with y'all. This is another ending. Enjoy :)

The battle was heated. It was pennywise against the losers. Charred hands emerged from pennywise's mouth and tried to pull Mike closer to him, but with a burning anger, Stan wacked the clown that took Y/Ns smiling face from him upside the head.

Pennywise turned slowly towards Stan, but he didnt change. Instead he held his hand out towards the floating kids. Everyone looked to where his hand was directing, and saw a body slowly coming towards them. The kid hadn't been floating like the others though. It was upright and off to the side. As it started its desent right to pennywise, Stan could see who it was. It was her. The familar yellow shrirt, the dirty hightop converse, all of it.

Y/N reached him, and pennywise put his grimy hand around her neck. "That's just her b-body. I know you killed her already, you bastard." Stan whimpered staring at her frozen body. Her pupils were glazed over just like Beverly's had been and she wasn't moving, so maybe she was just in the stupid trance. Why would he keep her alive this long, though. He would have killed her the day he took her.

"Ah. That's is where your wrong my precious, fearful child. She wasn't tasteful for me. I knew she would be useful one day, and that day has finally come. Soon she will be floating. Just like you and all your friends will be."

"THAT'S A LIE!" Stan yelled raising his metal bar.

"Oh." Pennywise stated as he snapped. Suddenly the glaze was wiped away, and she choked on breath as she came to life. "I believe she is real. Real and finally scared."

"Stan...STAN!" Y/N cried as she looked at her best friend. She didn't know what was going on. One second she was just taking a short cut through the woods, and then she was here in the...sewers? A freaking clown was holding her in a headlock, and all her friends were surrounding them, holding bars, chains, and other sharp objects. She was scared out of her mind.

"Mmm. Tasty fear." Pennywise muttered opening his mouth to reveal several rows of sharp teeth that had previously ripped into other kids flesh.

"AHHHHH!" Bill screamed coming up behind the clown as whacking him on the back of the head before he could take a bit of Y/Ns face. Pennywise tossed Y/N out of his way, leaving deep claw marks on her shoulder as his hands grazed her shoulder. She hit the ground meters away, landing in dirty water and a lot of a pain. The others fought the clown hard while she focused on sitting up against the pile of toys behind her. Then she watched. What the hell was happening. There are a bunch of eight graders that are deep in the sewers fighting a freaky clown that can transform into their greatest fear? He wants to eat them? He kidnapped her and didn't kill her? What the actual fuck. She must be sleeping. Did she trip and hit her head in the woods and end up in a coma? Was she dreaming this? All she knew was she was in an extreme amount of pain and she felt like she was going to pass out.

They were now at the well watching the clown who was hanging on the edge. He whispered something before falling. They stood there silently, taking it all in, before Stan turned around and sprinted towards her. "Y/N...oh god Y/N/N." He pulled her close. "I thought I lost you."

"I...What happened? Are we in the sewers?" Y/N asked incredulously. "Who was that clown? Is he dead? Am I dreaming? Why is Beverly here? Mike and Ben.. are they all Losers now?"

"We'll explain later right now we gotta get out of here," Eddie shuddered staring at the falling kids. Stan nodded and tried to help Y/N up. She took a step, but ending up falling on Richie.

"Ow," Y/n cried grabbing her shoulder. Stan scooped her up like a princess as if she was light as a feather and started walking. "Geeze Stan. Have you been hitting the gym?" They all laughed as they heard they best friend crack joke. She was still the same Y/N. Y/N laid her head on Stan's chest, enjoying the sound of his heartbeat as he walked. "Did y'all save me?"

"Ya...we did," Stan smiled as he heard the angelic voice he had longed to hear for so long.

"Thanks." Y/N smiled, shutting her eyes. She didn't know what happened, but she knew her friends had been there for her. They had saved her. She knew that she was gonna be ok, and she still had a future. One with the Losers....and one with Stan.

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