Chapter Four: Pranking Snivellus

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[Chapter Four]


What was that smell? Was something dying? I most certainly hope not – but, then, what was that smell? I opened my eyes to find myself in complete gloom. In front of me was a gloomy figure. I could see long, black hair on a humanoid shape.

“Sirius? Sirius, is that you?” I sat up, peering through the darkness.

When my eyes adjusted, I could see Sirius Black’s grinning face.

“Good to see you, Pup,” he said. He held out his arms and I scrambled into them, hugging him so fiercely he might have popped.

“Oh, gosh, is that you I smell?” I asked, pulling away.

“Well, excuse me if I haven’t had a shower in twelve years,” he said. “Mind you, I’m surprised you didn’t notice it when you first met me.”

“I did notice, but I was a polite little girl at the time,” I said.

Sirius snorted.

“Polite? Didn’t you set off fireworks in potions class?”

“When I’m not pranking I’m nice!” I protested.

“Sure you are.”

“Um, where are we?” I asked.

“We are in the Forbidden Forest,” he said.

My eyebrows shot.

“You’re here at Hogwarts?”

“That I am,” he said.

“What – why?” I demanded. “Why did you even break out?”

“That I will tell you another time,” he said. “But now just be glad that I’m out.”

“But —”

“What’s done is done, Pup,” he said.

“But the dementors —”

Sirius shrugged.

“I got past them once, and I can do it again,” he told me.

“Why are you so reckless?” I demanded. “You have no idea what could happen to you if you got caught! Sure, you can escape them twice, but then what? What will you do? You’ll be on the run, and you’ll stay on the run.”

“Why am I so reckless?” Sirius’s eyes narrowed as he glared at me. “Why are you so uptight?”

“I’m not uptight!” I exclaimed, a single tear escaping. “Did you have any idea how horrible it would be if you got caught? Fudge’s given the dementors permission to perform the kiss on you! You do remember what that is, right — where they suck out your soul? At this point, you’re the only family I have left that isn’t dead, followers of You-Know-Who, or thinking that there’s something wrong with me — I’m not going to lose you this easy!”

Sirius grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

“You are not going to lose me,” he said. “You won’t now, you won’t ever. I’ll always be with you, no matter what happens.”

“Sirius,” I murmured. “I love you, but you stink.”


So Robert decided that every Saturday morning after breakfast and Wednesday evenings after dinner would be Quidditch practice. On the first Saturday, a crisp, early-October morning, when Taylor and I were doing our Beater drills, I caught a glimpse of Professor Lupin in the stands, watching us carefully. Terry was sitting next to him with Luna and the twins.

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