Chapter Eight: Duomagus (or Duo-Wizard-Thing)

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[Chapter Eight]

I yawned and stripped out of my cardigan and robes. Gosh, it was bloody hot. How did Trelawney live like this? Maybe she was some kind of weird mutant witch.

Oh, gosh, these fumes were getting to my head. Bloody nut.

I set my chin on the table and focused on Trelawney as she dramatically leapt here and there, spouting her annoying bullcrap about Seers and the future.

I yawned again and shut my eyes. God, I was tired. Why haven’t I been getting much sleep lately? Oh, who the hell knows?

When I opened my eyes, I was perched on foot of the stairs leading away from the entrance hall.

“Well this is new…” I muttered, climbing to my feet. “So what am I supposed to do now?”

I sighed and ascended the stairs.

“Damn my freaky dreams,” I said to myself. “Taking me to the most random places. At least I’m not in Canada again.”


I jumped, nearly slipping down the steps as I pivoted around on my heel.

“Moo ¾ Professor Lupin!” I exclaimed.

“What did you just ¾ why aren’t you in class?” he demanded.

“Erm, well, I am in class,” I stated nervously, tugging on a lock of my hair. “I’m asleep, actually. Don’t even know how I end up in these random places. Heck ¾ I’ve been to Canada! I just fall asleep and I’m transported to anywhere. It’s really weird.”

“How long have these events been occurring?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Since first year,” I told him. “I just fell asleep one night… and yeah.”

Professor Lupin seated himself on the steps and beckoned for me to sit next to him.

“Come here, sit down,” he said.

I sat next to him and pulled my knees up to my chest.

“So you’ve been doing this for quite a while now?” he inquired.

“Yup,” I said, not looking at him.

“Lucy, have you ever heard of an duomagus?”

I frowned. Was this a test or something?

“Should I have?” I asked.

“Well, most young witches and wizards wouldn’t know what they are,” he said, shrugging. “It’s not generally a part school curriculum.”

“Why not?”

“Because a duomagus is so rare, it is very likely for you to not ever meet one,” he answered.

“And what is a duo... wizard... thing?”

“It is a wizard that can create a fully-functioning double of themselves.” Professor Lupin scratched his chin.

“And, uhm, regular wizards can’t?” I ran a hand through my hair. My finger caught on a tangle and I winced slightly.

“Oh, sure, regular wizards have potions and spells that they can use to turn other people into look-alikes of them,” he snorted lightly, “but to create one that is them on the inside and out is impossible. But a duomagus is capable of have two of themselves, and with a bit of training, can be quite literally two places in at once.”

“How rare are these?” I asked.

“Well, the gene most of the time skips up to seventy generations,” he said.

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