Chapter Seven: Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff

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[Chapter Seven]

When I got back to the castle, I squeezed myself between Terry and Fred at the Gryffindor table.

“Oliver’s on edge,” Fred told me.

“I’m sorry,” I said, picking up his hand and squeezing it gently.

“How bad is Davies training you guys?” George asked.

“Not bad,” I said. “He’s not completely obsessed with Quidditch like Oliver, though.”

“Lucky you,” Harry said as he, Ron, and Hermione sat down across the table from us. “Oliver’s been bugging me all morning about Cedric Diggory.”

“Don’t worry, I have complete faith in you,” I said. “I bet you guys are going to win this year.”

“So no support for your own house?” he asked, amused.

“Losing the Quidditch Cup isn’t the worst thing that could happen to us Ravenclaws,” I told him, shrugging.

“What is the worst that could happen to Ravenclaws?” Ron asked. “Getting one question wrong on a quiz?”

Terry and I both glared at him, and he turned awkwardly to his plate.

“I’ll be rooting for you guys tomorrow,” I told them.

“Hopefully it won’t be like all of the other Quidditch matches we’ve attended,” Terry said, chortling into his soup.

“What happened?” Hermione asked.

“She’s always getting into fights with Slytherins,” Terry replied.

“Hey, if Malfoy digs the grave, he should be the one to lay in,” I said coolly.

“You really shouldn’t fight with them,” Hermione said. “You could get hurt.”

“Ah, don’t worry about me.” I waved my hand in the air lazily. “I’ve got a permanent spot in Madam Pomfrey’s with my name on it.”


“It’s cold!”

“No shit, it’s raining, you dolt.”

“Bugger off, Lucy.”


“Hermione, that doesn’t work on her.”

“Why did it have to rain today?”

“Ron, you’re on my foot!”

Ron, Hermione, Terry, and I stood in the stands, shivering from the rain and wind. The match had yet to begin and we were already soaked.

We watched, cheering, as both teams staggered their way to the middle of the field. I could faintly see Oliver Wood and Cedric Diggory shake hands through the rain, and then they were off, flying around blindly in the storm.

“I can see why Slytherin cancelled,” I shouted. “Bloody pansies don’t want to fly around in this whether!”

We ducked as a Bludger came zooming over our heads and George racing after it.

“I don’t think Harry can see with the rain!” Hermione shouted.

“I think I know a spell that can repel water!” I screamed back.

Lucky for us, Wood called a time-out at that moment.

“Come on!” I grabbed Hermione and pulled her though the crowds and down onto the edge of the field where the team was huddled under an umbrella.

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