Chapter Six: He's Onto Me

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[Chapter Six]

“Yay, pumpkin pie!” I cried happily, piling it onto my plate.

“That’s your fifth piece,” Terry cried. “Save some for everyone else.”

“Shut it, you,” I said, grabbing a few pumpkin muffins. [A/N: When I lived in Italy, we made them in first grade. They were effing delicious. I think. I was like … six … maybe; I totally don’t remember what they taste like.] I took another bite of the delicious food and nearly died of blissful goodness.

“Lu, Professor Lupin is looking at you funny,” Terry murmured.

I let my hair fall over my face as I glanced up at the teacher’s table. Professor was indeed looking at me, and his look was indeed funny. I wonder what’s got his knickers in a twist. Throwing my hair back, I stared straight back at him.

This little staring contest was kept up for another minute and a half before Professor Lupin seemed to realize what he was doing and looked down at his plate.

“What was that about?” Terry asked.

I let out a nervous laugh. “I have no freaking idea.”

Later that night, I changed from my uniform to my pajamas and climbed into my bed. I bade the other girls goodnight and was just dozing off when someone came barging into the room. I shot up, my hair flinging out beside me. It was a sixth year Prefect girl, who looked worried.

“Quickly, go down to the Great Hall,” she said. “Don’t argue, just go.”

I scrambled from my bed, grabbing my jumper and hurrying down the spiral staircase, barefoot. Many other Ravenclaws were hurrying out of the common room door and down the tower.

“Lucy!” Terry called. I sprinted to him and he pulled me onto his back.

“Terry, what’s going on?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but I think it has something to do with Sirius,” he said.

Sure enough, when we reached the Great Hall, there were Gryffindors scattered everywhere, whispering about Sirius Black.

“The teachers and I need conduct a thorough search of the castle,” Professor Dumbledore announced as Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick closed the doors after the last stragglers.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and looked around to see Fred, a solemn look on his face.

Dumbledore waved his wand and the four house tables were pushed along the walls; he waved his wand again and the floor was suddenly covered under of squashy purple sleeping bags.

“Sirius Black tried getting into the Gryffindor tower,” Fred told us as Lee and Luna joined us.

We all grabbed a sleeping bag and formed a small circle. When I was just about to climb into mine, Fred grabbed me and pulled me into his. We lay on out stomachs and peered around at the others.

“How do you think he got in?” Lee asked.

“He couldn’t have Apparated,” George said. “You can’t Apparate on school grounds.”

“I don’t understand how he even got past the dementors,” I lied casually. I had an idea of how he did, but I wasn’t voicing it.

Terry shot me a look that told me he understood. Oh, my God, we have some sort of twin telepathy! Er… Maybe I had a bit too much pie.

“The lights are going out now!” Percy shouted. “I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking!”

I lay my head against Fred’s chest as he wrapped his arms around me loosely.

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