Lonely - chapter one

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A/N so just saying, some chapters may be long, some chapters may be short, some may be well made, some will be crappy, okay, carry on❤

His brother has been waking him up in the morning for a month, but he still can't get used to his parents not being there

"Hey Jungkookie, it's time to wake up" Jin said as he opened his curtains, letting the bright sunlight into the dim room.

Jungkook knew he had to wake up for school but he was too stubborn to get up, so he turned away from the blinding sunlight and put the covers over his head. Jin was used to waking up stubborn Jungkook, he took the covers off of Jungkook, picked him up and brought him downstairs to eat breakfast. Although Jungkook was still really tired he just couldn't resist his brother's cooking and dug in. Jin then joined the younger in eating the pancakes.


After they finished eating their breakfast, Jin quickly drove Jungkook to school in order for himself to get to college on time, Jungkook was glad it was the last couple weeks of school since he didn't have very many friends; he only had his bestfriend Yugyeom, Yugyeom had introduced Jungkook to his friends but he wasn't very close to them. Jungkook had most of his classes with Yugyeom, so the two would help each other with homework, or in class assignments but since exams are coming up soon it's difficult for them to do so.


Jin stopped in front of the younger's school and let Jungkook out. Since he was half an hour early as usual, Jungkook decided to sit on a bench outside of the school and wait for Yugyeom. Yugyeom arrived a couple minutes later, he saw Jungkook and sat beside him; they greeted each other talking about random subjects until they had to go to class.

The classes that they had were interesting, so, sadly they went by quickly. At lunch Jungkook and Yugyeom got their meals then sat at their usual bench outside

"So Jungkookie how are things at home?" Yugyeom asked as he stuffed his face with food

"First of all, please don't speak with your mouth full, second of all my parents aren't home that often since it's tourist season, third of all Jin started dating someone, so he's not home very often either" Jungkook replied then taking a bite of his food

Yugyeom ignores Jungkooks request and continues to speak with his mouth full "So they just leave you home alone?"

Jungkook disgusted by Yugyeom, but replies anyways "No, Jin usually just calls me every five minutes when he leaves"

"Wow, he sounds even more protective then he used to be"

"Since he started dating, yeah"

"Do you even know who he's dating?"

There was a silence as Jungkook thought "....no" he shook his head

"so he hasn't brought her to the house yet?

Jungkook looked at his phone to check the time "five more minutes until the bell goes"

"are you trying to avoid the question?" Yugyeom looked annoyed with Jungkook

"no I was just telling you how long we had until the bell went!" Jungkook yelled surprising Yuyeom

Yugyeom put his hands up in defense "Okay, okay, answer the question"

"No he hasn't, not that I know of anyway" Jungkook stood up followed by Yugyeom

"Hmm.. that's strange" He said as he put on his thinking face

Jungkook just shrugs and begins walking, Yugyeom doesn't realize Jungkook left and jogs to catch up to him.

"You think he is even dating a girl?" Yugyeom asks, still with his thinking face on

Jungkook stops in his tracks "So, you think he's dating a guy?"

Now it's Yugyeoms turn to shrug "well the signs are all there"

Jungkook just keeps staring at him, after a couple seconds of awkward silence he replies "We don't have time to talk about this, the-" he gets interrupted by the chime of the bell "-bell is going to go soon"

"Look what you did Jungkook, now we're late!" Yugyeom starts jogging to class

Jungkook just squints his eyes at Yugyeom

"Hurry up or you'll be even more late" Yuyeom, with a smirk on his face, turned back to look at Jungkook ; sighing Jungkook jogged after Yugyeom

History went by fairly quickly for Jungkook that is he enjoys learning about the history of America, as for Yugyeom he doesn't enjoy it very much. One thing is for sure, they both dread physical education; they feel as though it lasts for ten hours.

At the end of the day Jin is always waiting for Jungkook at the parking lot with a bright smile on his face.

A/N Thank you all for reading, please leave some comments on how you liked the first part of our story, or perhaps on how we can improve on our writing. love from both of us <3

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