Sweet innocent Jungkookie - chapter three

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"So your brother left you with a bunch of strangers in his boyfriends house, who is also a stranger?" Yugyeom asked as they entered their first morning class, "well, yeah..." Jungkook didn't understand what the problem was, it was completely fine, if his brother trusted them to look after him then it's fine, Jin wouldn't have allowed it otherwise if they hadn't been good people. "Jungkook they could have hurt you, they could have killed you!" Yugyeom raised his voice, causing some of the other students in the class to look over at them, "Yugyeom stop overexaggerating, I'm fine, they were nice people" Yugyeom was still not buying it "you could have not been fine!, you even said yourself that two of them got into a fight, doesn't sound like they're very nice people if they beat each other up!" Yugyeom was starting to get mad, showing that he was genuinely worried for his best friend "Yugyeom that's enough yelling, like I said I'm fine, and I'm safe, now that's enough, okay?" it looked like Yugyeom was about to say something else, but at that moment the teacher had walked into the room, causing everyone in the class to quiet down.


Morning classes were slower than usual, with Yugyeom complaining about Jin leaving him alone with strangers and how he should be a better, more responsible brother, then the topic drifted to questions about Jin and his relationship with Namjoon, which he clearly did not have the answers for, or questions about Jin's friends and how they were, how they acted, what they looked like, Jungkook didn't have many answers for that either.


Finally it was lunch, but Yugyeom still wouldn't let the topic go, the process of getting their lunches and going to their usual bench outside, took way longer with Yugyeoms constant questions.

"you know Jungkook maybe you should hang out with Jin and his boyfriend more often, get to know him more, so that you're not left home alone all the time" Yugyeom said as they reached their bench, "I'm fine staying at home alone, and besides I'll just be a third wheel" Jungkook sighed taking a bite out of his apple, "you never know Jungkook, maybe they hangout a lot with their friends, why don't you ask Jin about him and his boyfriend, maybe you'll gain some friends yourself" Yugyeom looked at him expectantly, Jungkook leaned his head back, sighing, he listened to the light whistle of the wind passing his ears before he answered, "If I do, will you stop asking me about it?" Yugyeom nodded his head "alright" Jungkook said and began to eat his food once again.

A minute or so later Yugyeom started talking again "any girls you have your eyes on?" Jungkook wondered where this question came from "I'm not interested in this right now Yugyeom" Jungkook simply stated "okay, okay, I understand" Jungkook nodded his head, glad that Yugyeom dropped it, "any guys you have your eyes on?" Jungkook choked on his food, causing him to go into a fit of coughs afterward, when Jungkook looked back up Yugyeom wiggled his eyebrows at him, "Yugyeom!" Jungkook yelled at him, beginning to get flustered, "well, you never specified if you were straight or not, and by the way you described that orange haired guy, you even used the word 'handsome' you only ever use that word if you're talking about your brother" Yuyeom wiggled his eyebrows again "shut up, Yugyeom!, you never hear me talking about you and bambam" this time Yugyeom got flustered "Jungkook I told you we're just friends!" Jungkook laughed at his friends flustered state, "yeah, yeah, you always say that".

"so what'a his name anyways?" Yugyeom asked, changing the topic quickly "who?" Yugyeom rolled his eyes, annoyed by how oblivious his friend can be "you know, the guy you clearly have a crush on" Jungkook didn't know who Yugyeom was talking about, when he finally realized who Yugyeom was talking about, he instantly started blushing again "if I knew his name, don't you think I would've said it instead of saying 'orange haired guy'" Yugyeom gave Jungkook a strange look, Jungkook didn't know the reason for this look, until he started speaking again "hmm, what a very mysterious man he is, I can see why you like him" Yugyeom wiggled his eyebrows for the third time then winked at him, Jungkook slapped his friends arm "ow" Yugyeom rubbed his arm "then shut up!" there was a silence as they finished their meals "in all seriousness Jungkook, you should start hanging out with Jin and his friends, maybe you'll actually have more friends" they both threw out their garbage and began walking to class.

After school Jungkook walked to the spot where Jins car would usually be parked, but he didn't see him, Jungkook checked his phone to see that he received a message.

'Hey jungkookie, you're going to have to go to a friends house'

Jungkook wondered why Jin just told him to go somewhere else, he could easily walk home, but since he was too lazy to actually take the hour walk home, he decided to take a chance and try to call Jin to come pick him up.

Jungkook was about to hang up after a couple minutes of the phone ringing endlessly until he heard his brother pick up, "Hey jungkookie, I thought I told you to go to a friends house" Jin stated, sounding out of breath "how come you sound out of breath hyung?, did you just finish running?" Jungkook asked sounding concerned "um...yeah...running" Jins breathing still didn't settle "well can you come pick me up then?" "Jungkook I told you to go visit someone" Jungkook pouted "but I can just walk home, why do I have to go visit someone?" Jin sighed, but it didn't sound like it was out of annoyance "Jungkook go visit someone, I"ll pick you up at five" Jins voice was stern "okay, bye hyung" Jungkook whined and Jin hung up 'Jin never hangs up without saying goodbye' Jungkook frowned, upset that Jin didn't say goodbye

Someone came up behind Jungkook, throwing their arm over his shoulder, startling him a bit "Hey what are you still doing here Jungkook?" Yugyeom asked "well Jin told me to go visit someone, when I could easily walk home, sure, it'll take an hour but I can" Jungkook looked over at Yugyeom "Okay walk home then" Yugyeom scoffed, shrugging "But Jin-hyung was breathing hard sounding like he just came from running, saying with a stern voice that I have to go visit, and he'll pick me up at five" Jungkook looked down at the ground, what he didn't notice was the faint blush on Yugyeoms cheeks, for Yugyeom knew exactly why Jin was acting like that.

"Oh sweet innocent Jungkookie, come on, you can visit me" Yugeom grabbed his hand and started walking, Jungkook allowed him to drag him towards his house 'innocent?' Jungkook knew he didn't understand most things about certain topics, but why would Yugyeom call him that in this circumstance.


At five Jin was indeed there to pick him up, "Hey Jungkookie, sorry that I couldn't pick you up today" Jin had a big smile on his face "Yeah, what about that?" Jins smile went away "what about what?" Jin reversed out of the drive way, then began to drive home "you know, why couldn't you pick me up?" Jin blushed at the youngers innocent question "well... I got held up?" it sounded more like a question than an answer "okay hyung" Jungkook dropped the topic, Jin sighed in relief.


They were almost home when Jungkook remembered something, he instantly perked up, not understanding why he did that himself "hyung?" Jin nodded his head in acknowledgement "can i-I u-umm..." Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck "w-well can u-umm, you k-know" Jungkook stumbled over his words, it always made him nervous to talk about meeting strangers or even thinking about meeting strangers "yes Jungkookie what is it?"Jin was patient with him though "c-can I hang out w-with you a-and your f-friends more?" Jungkook finally got it out, sighing out of relief "you sure Jungkookie?, you didn't seem to enjoy them very much when I left you with them" Jungkook didn't like to overthink things, or he'll second-guess himself "w-well...yeah?" Jin sighed obviously not convinced "alright Jungkookie, if you insist" Jin said as they arrived at home.

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