Why him? - chapter five

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I woke up to find Yugyeom practically laying on me "Yugyeom get off!" I pushed him off, ending up with him laying on the floor looking confused "What happened?" he said standing up looking around, looking like he doesn't know where he is "You're in your room and you just fell off the bed" he sat back down on the bed "oh" then he laid down looking confused "Yugyeom get up, we have school" at that, Yugyeom sprung out of bed and ran out of the room, Jungkook chased after Yugyeom, but Yuyeom ran into the bathroom "You better take a shower while you're in there" Jungkook yelled from outside of the bathroom.


"Yugyeom you're not the only one who needs to use the washroom!" Jungkook yelled to Yugyeom after ten minutes of silence"Jungkook i'm not going to school today" Jungkook sighed after he heard Yugyeom fake a cough "Well..." Jungkook looks at his phone to check the time "It's getting late i'm going home" he hears Yugyeom fake a cough again "Tell the teachers i'm sick!" Yugyeom yells to him from the bathroom "No!" he yells back "Jungkook!" he laughs, loud enough that he's sure that Yugyeom was able to hear him. he goes back in Yugyeoms room and starts packing all his stuff up.

After Jungkook finished gathering all his stuff, he called his brother, he wasn't sure weither or not Jin would pick up, after all it was six in the morning.

After a couple rings he could hear his brother pick up the phone "Hey kookie, why are you calling me at..." Jin trailed off, Jungkook assumed he was looking at the time "Six in the morning?" "Can you come get me?, Yugyeom isn't going to school today, but he better because i'm not going to be in school alone today!" Jungkook yelled the last part, directing it more to Yugyeom than Jin "You'll survive!" Yugyeom yelled from the upstairs bathroom "No i won't!" Jungkook yelled back "Alright, i'll come get you, just stop yelling in my ear" Jin said, sounding annoyed "Thank you hyung, sorry for waking you up" Jin groaned "Anytime kookie, just don't yell in my ear again" Jungkook laughed a little "Okay Jin-hyung" Jin hung up 'How come he didn't say goodbye?' Jungkook frowned, 'This is the second time Jin hung up without saying goodbye'.


Ten minutes later Jin arrive, honking to let Jungkook know he was here. Jungkook quickly ran outside, not wanting to waste anymore time.

"Hi Hyung" Jungkook greeted Jin while sitting in the front seat "Hey Jungkookie" Jin reversed and started to drive home "Why isn't Yugyeom going to school today?" Jin asks "I don't know, he's weird" Jungkook replies bluntly, Jin nods and silence engulfs the car.


After an hour Jungkook is finally dropped off at school, until he realise he forgot his wallet at home, he calls his brother. A couple rings later Jin picks up "Hey Jungkookie, what is it?" Jungkook sighs "Sorry for bothering you again hyung, but i forgot my wallet at home could you get it for me?" He asked "Well I can't, but i could get my friend to get it for you" he says putting emphasise on "I", Jungkook smiles "Thanks hyung" "Yep make sure to wait at the parking lot, I'll talk to you later" "Okay hyung bye" Jin hangs up.


Twenty minutes later he sees a familiar car 'why him?, why did he have to drop it off?' Jungkook saw Jimin driving up to him in his car, smoking.

"Here" Jimin says when he rolled down his window, Jungkook quickly took it out of his hand "It's nice to see you again cutie" Jungkook blushes "So cute" he gives Jungkook an adorable eye smile, Jungkook hids his face behind his hands from embarrassment "You're so shy, okay i'll let you go to class, i'll be able to see you later anyway cutie" Jungkook peeks through his hands but regrets it when Jimin winks at him and then drove off, but not before he threw his cigarette on the ground 'later, what does he mean later?' Jungkook then remembers that he was going to hang out with Jin and his friends tonight, so of course Jimin would know.


The morning was dragging on without Yugyeom there, he was usually there to help pass the time, but now he's just sitting in class alone.


He went to get his lunch, he was just going to sit outside alone on the bench, but someone stopped him.

"Hey Jungkook right?, Yugyeom told me to hangout with you, wanna come sit with me?" It was Bhuwakul or better known by his nickname Bambam.

"Yeah I'm Jungkook, so you'd only hangout with me if you were told to?, if that's the case i don't want to sit with you" Jungkook deadpanned.

Bambams smile almost faltered "No, no I've been wanting to hangout with you, but you and Yugyeom always go sit out at that bench" he grabs Jungkooks hand "so come on, come sit with me" he urges, Jungkook sighs "Sure" Bambam smiles wide "Great, let's go!" He pulls Jungkook to his table.

It's quiet for ten minutes as they eat "so..." Bambam starts getting Jungkooks attention "What's up?" Jungkook decides to be 'funny' "the sky" Jungkook laughs a little "Oh ha ha ha very funny Jungkook" Bambam says sarcastically but still chuckles afterwards "But really Jungkook what's up?, how are you?" Jungkook forgot how nervous he gets when around strangers, he suddenly remembers "uhh w-well I'm good i g-guess" Jungkook looks down at his food "You were so comfortable with me a second ago, what happened?" Bambam asks, but Jungkook doesn't answer "Okay, you don't need to answer that, you know I'm in your afternoon classes right?, how about we hangout them as well?" Jungkook was shocked 'Bambam is in my afternoon classes?' "Um y-yeah sure" he looks up and gives Bambam a small smile "Awe so cute" he coos, Jungkook gets shy again and looks down "Awe Jungkook i didn't mean to make you shy" Bambam pouts, Jungkook doesn't say anything. Through the entirety of lunch, they make light conversation.


It's after school and Jungkook heads to the parking lot. The whole afternoon he spent it with Bambam, he was his partner when Yugyeom would usually be.

Suddenly he feels someone put their arm around his shoulder, startling him, causing him to stop "Sorry Jungkook i didn't mean to scare you" Bambam laughs lightheartedly "So where you off to?"

Jungkook continues walking "I'm going to the parking lot my brother picks me up everyday. You know you and Yugyeom are so much alike" Jungkook smiled at him.

"I guess that's why me and you so close so quickly" he gives a bright smile "yeah..." he trails off when he doesn't see Jin at the parking lot, he looks at his phone to see a message from Jin

'Hi Jungkookie Jimin is coming to pick you up again'

'Again?, why are you always busy now?'

'Exams are coming up, i need to stay late in school'

Eventhough Jungkook knew he was lying and Jin was just with Namjoon, he didn't say anything more.

Jungkook sighs "what's wrong?" Bambam asks "My brother isn't able to pick me for the third time this week"

Bambam rubbed his back "I'm sure there's a reason right?" Jungkook looked around for Jimin car and didn't see it, he assumed that he wasn't there yet.

"Yeah there is" Jungkook sighed "Do you need a ride home?" Bambam offered "No, he sent one of his friends to come get me" Bambam nodded "Okay, I'll stick around here with you then" Jungkook nodded.

When Jimin arrives Bambam walks Jungkook to the car "I'll see you later" he hugs Jungkook and smiles sweetly at him "See you hyung" Jungkook said before getting in.

Jimin was currently smoking in his car. Jimin glared at Bambam as he walked away.

"Who was that?" He asks with a harsh voice "T-that was Bambam, my f-friend" Jimin rolled his eyes "Why don't you call me hyung?" Jungkook stayed quiet, knowing how much he was going to stutter because of how nervouse he was "Fine don't answer me" the rest of the ride home was quiet.

We know, we know, it's been almost a month since we updated, we apologize for the inconvenience.

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