Truth And Dares

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(A/N) I know that the prologue was a little messy because of the point of view. I'm going to switch it so the its In the point of view of yourself. "I was walking" and not "you were walking", make sense? and yes I'm going to get this to the fan meet. On to the chapter.

I'm walking down the street trying to forget what happened this morning. The lady at the front desk was talking to somebody on the phone and her voice was so much deeper than last nights. I kinda figured that her voice wasn't that high but women voices are not supposed to be that deep.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and continued walking down the street. I could already hear the screams of fangirls/boys as I neared the place that (f/n) wanted me to go to. I mean, I've heard music from Bts but never thought of going to one of their fan signs. My feet came to a stop as I stared at the barrier of people that blocked my way. The fans could be seen going crazy as a black van came in view from around the bend of a road. Snow Was still falling but the only thing that seemed to compare with its brightness, was the spirits of the people screaming. I've heard many stories from (f/n) about how the members look like. According to her one was a kookie, world wide handsome, a international playboy, dimple boy.. I don't even know. The car came to a stop, the fans in no way were stopping themselves as they proceeded to try and climb over the body guards. A snicker to my left caught my attention, I turned to see three girls. The main girl or who I though was the main girl, had blonde hair (almost yellow xD), which was not a natural hair color for her. All three of them looked stuck up. The snippy people here were starting to get on my nerves. An outbursts of cheers made me look up to see several tall/average people get out of the van.

"Oh my god, its Jimin!"

"I swear Jungkook just looked at me!"

I was startled by the sudden screams behind me. My best guess of who said that were the three stooges behind me. (if no one got that, look it up..please)

"could you guys not scream in my ea-"

"Ah! it's V!"

I grumbled, these girls were going insane and it was driving me nuts. Not only did I not know who these people were, but I was only here to get signatures and get the hell out of this place. It looked like the building that they were holding the fan meeting was starting to let people in and arrange them seat numbers. Just like everyone else, I started to file into a line.

"Ma'am, you number, here". I could tell that man was trying his best to speak English but I couldn't help but smile at his mistakes.

"Thank you very much, sir". I think I surprised him with me speaking Korean because his eyes widened while the smile on his face vanished. I grabbed the ticket and continued to follow the sea of people before me. The number on my ticket was 149 and I couldn't hold back a sigh.

Great, I have to wait even longer to meet strangers that I hardily even know.

I sat, I believe, In the seventh row. The velvet chair that I was sitting on was quite comfy and the noise of the people around me was quickly drowned out by my ear buds. I scrolled through my songs again for about the fourteenth time already today. Even though I was at a Bts fan meet, I decided to click on "sing for you", by Exo. I could feel my eyelids start to fall as the first people went up. The last thing I saw before falling into my slumber was a flashy smile that was seven rows ahead of me, for some reason it made me feel happy inside.

I could feel someone nudge me from the right.

"Damn, who ever is touching me is going to die." The nudging stops and I start to go back to sleep again when something sends a very unpleasant feeling up my foot.

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