The Sunshine That Walks

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 (A/N)  I think I'm going to start having author notes on all chapters because that how bored I am.. I wrote the first 3 chapters in one day. I am very tired and my patience is very low (even though thats very normal for me). And yes I do keep changing prospectives.. I was not satisfied with the "I" and went back to "You", On with the chapter --> 

"What the he-". 

Your back slammed against a tile wall while your lungs were getting suffocated by the pressure. you couldn't breath because someone has their greasy hand over you mouth and nose. you grabbed onto the hand but they pushed your back further into the wall. By now you needed air but you were not able to get it. With out hesitation, you clamped onto the fingers with your teeth in hope that the person who was holding you would let go. The taste of the hand mingled with the gum in your mouth, it was quite disgusting to be honest. 


"I told you to hold her there!".                                                                                                                                                you recognized the voices immediately. These two people were non other than the girls that were with the blonde chick. You tried to get up but the pain that was inflicted on your spine was to much for you. 

"What did I say-"

"You two better stop bitching". 

The two girls turn around to see you on the floor with a weak smirk on your face. They both seemed the opposite of happy to see you. The rage in the one girls eye was enough to kill someone with her looks, and not as in beauty wise. (I don't know how to rephrase that sentence) 

"Look at what you did Bong-Cha, she's still able to move!" 

The one whom was apparently Bong Cha looked at you then at the other girl. 

"What do you want me to do about it? She can't get up".

The other girl smiled and put her hands on her hips while looking at you. (Bong Cha)

"Shall we make her cry so that when she leaves or is someone comes in, it will look like we were helping her?" (if someone comes in, they will "Comfort her")

Bong Cha nods in response. you squint your eyes at them, you wanted so badly to teach them a lesson but you weren't able to get up because of your current state. The two girls inched closer to you just as you slid up the wall. It didn't hurt as much because the wall was supporting all your weight, this brought a smile to your face. The two girls reactions were priceless as you stood there face to face with them. They looked like mice that had just woken up a cat. 

"You weren't even able to make her stay on the ground?!" 

The one girl was going crazy while Bong Cha just stood there.

"Well Eui If she ha-".

A shoe came down on my leg sending a wave of pain up my spine. The pain was the same that the blonde chick had inflicted when you refused to move from your seat. You grimaced at the mark that the heal had left. The spot was starting to swell as well as the tiny bubbles of blood where the heal had tore the skin. 

"For Fu-"  (Yes, she was going to swear) 

"You should have just given Hee Young the ticket and you would have been fine." 

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