A Fairytale Of A Dream

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You blinked at the guy in front of you named V, he was really sweet. Suga and Tae kept fighting over the piece of paper until you got the urge to snatch it from Tae.
"Ya- oh right, this is yours, sorry!"
Tae bowed his head a bit before nudging the older next to him. He had a boxy smile and his eyes gave off a bright light that made you also want to smile.
"Are you the youngest?"
You asked but knew what was coming. V made a boxy smile while answering.
"Nah, I'm not the youngest but I'm not the oldest either".
You nod your head while bring your hand to your chin.
"So what do you do? In the group?"
V tilted his head up to look at the ceiling.
"I am a dancer but the main visual".
V wiggled his eyebrows then broke down in a fit laughter. You both turned your heads at the voice that yelled across the room.
"You are not the main visual! I am worldwide handsome which makes me the main and most important visual!"
Jin was standing up in front of his chair and was staring at Tae as he said that. Jimin next to him also stood up at his remark and started hitting him repeatedly with a stuffed bunny.
"Hyung, I am also a visual! Don't forget about me!"
Jimin started to hit Jin on the head who ducked in response. You of course knew that they were joking around but the people in front of them started to shrink back every time they yelled something. It wasn't until you grabbed onto Taes sleeve and whispered something in his ear, did the situation calm down.
"Tae I think you guys are scaring the other fans".
V froze as you said his name.
"I will gladly do what you say y/n".
You were about to ask him how he knew your name but you remembered that a name tag was placed on your shirt.
"Say V, I was wondering if you could sign this album for me?"
Tae stared at the album and made the decision to open it up slowly. He made sure to look at you while doing it. He finally opened it and signed his name on his page with a yellow marker. After signing the album, Tae set it aside and held out his hand.
"I heard you said that Jimins hands were small, want to compare?"
You nod and lay your hand, palm first, on his. You were surprised to see that his hand was average compared to yours, it overlapped.
"Not so bad".
You blink and retract your hand, eyes looked with Taes.
"So who has the biggest hands out of all seven members?"
You asked unaware that it was already time to move.
"Jin or Rm Hyung".
You notice people start to shift and slide over to the left. With album in hand, you said a quick thank you and grabbed a sticky note. 'If you could have one sweet for the rest of your life, what would it be?' You scribble your question and silently placed it in front of Tae without looking. The seat before you was bare so you just sat there staring at your hands. You drew a finger over the others, feeling the patterns swirl underneath, so many shapes...
"Are you fond of fingers?"
You jolt up, hitting your knee in the process.
"Holy Sh- Shoot".
You quickly change your words and bow in embarrassment at the slip of the tongue.
The person in front of you suddenly laid a hand on your shoulder, as if to comfort you.
"Hey its okay, Just don't let Jin hear you say that".
You look uo from your bow to see a very young, handsome boy sitting across from you. The boy slowly removed his hand and smiled.
"Sorry I was not here on time, I had to get and Ice pack for someone".
You sit stunned, you've had lost to will to speak since the last couple of members.
The boy tilts his head at you word in though but brightens up quickly.
"One of our staff caught me outside and told me to give it to Jin Hyung".
You squint your eyes at the familiar feeling in your gut, it was a bad feeling.
"Oh thats for m-"
The boy cuts you off.
"Jin Hyung, I have a present!"
The boy sprung up from his chair with life and drew back a arm. He stuck his tongue out in Concentration before sending it flying down the table. Jimin wiped his head around and let out a warning a little too late.
"Jin watch out!"
Jin turned his head to see what was going on. You watched in horror as the ice pack connected with Jin's face, giving of a gruesome sound.
Jimin yelled at the boy and looked at Jin to see if he was okay. Jin brought a hand up to feel his face before gingerly putting the ice pack on it. He didn't say a word but glared at Jungkook from the corner of his eye. Jungkook sat down cheekily and drew f/n album close to him. He flipped through a few pages before grabbing a green marker and signing his name.
"Looks like Yoongi wrote something about you, basically complaining".
You grumbled. You though he was joking earlier! Jungkook gave you a questioning look.
"I thought he was sweet!"
"He's sweet?! have you seen him before now!"
You shook (Jungshook) your head.
"He's so grumpy when someone wakes him up".
"Well then don't wake him up".
Jungkook smiled at you.
"Your crabby too I guess".
Your eyes widdened, this rude little-
"In a good way, it's nice to have feisty fans".
You slowly nod while eyeing him, he kinda had two sides, sweet but evil.
"How old are you Kook?"
Jungkook shuts the album and looks at you.
"21, I'm 21".
The good thing was that you were older than him. But were you able to talk informal? You decided to write him a question on a sticky note. 'Is it okay to talk to someone informally, even if their and idol?' Jungkook stared at it and chuckled darkly. He wrote something on the note but kept it away from your priving eyes.
"I'm going to keep this".
You gawked, oh~ how badly you wanted to hit him. He smiled at you playfully while tucking the note in his shirt pocket.
"What are you doing".
"I don't have a good enough answer to return it".
You glanced at his pocket before saying something.
"Can I make a promise with you?"
Jungkook nodded and got closer.
"Is it about keeping you and J-hope a se-",
He chuckled again before turning serious.
"I would like you to promise too make your Hyungs lives as stress free as you can".
Jungkook nodded for like the tenth time already. You noticed people shifting again so you grabbed his and and linked the promise.
"Well then stay a smart, and healthy pretty girl".
Your lips curved into a smile, revealing your "Pearl white" teeth.
"You have a pretty smile".
"I know, J-hope beat you to it".
He cooed an "Oh~" while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Oh hush".
Jungkook grinned and said goodbye. You bowed one last time before following the staff. You took notice that they were leading you back to your chair so you took a sharp turn right, leaving the staff oblivious to your leave. You walked along the wall of the room and luckily nobody noticed you. Everyone was to entranced with the seven handsome boys before them to even see you sneak out the rooms back exit.
You stood right outside of the exit with your back against the wall. You let out a breath that you didn't even notice that you were holding. You turn your head and see a brown couch sitting bare on the grey tiles underneath it. You realized how tired you were and tried to remember why.
You had gone to bed at 1:00 and had woken up at 5:00 to get breakfast in the morning before. You probably weren't going to sleep at all tonight so what was the harm of taking a small nap. You weren't going to have to meet anyone because had done what you had come here to do. You made your way down the back hallway towards the couch. It wasn't until you were in front of it did you notice how nice and comfy it looked. You sighed and flopped onto the leather cushions and plugged in your ear buds. You found the play list of love yourself and played. Serendipity started to play softly as you rolled over and tried to get comfortable. The last thing you heard before falling into peaceful slumber were the screams barely audible down the hallway.
"Hey, wake up!"
A hand prodded you. You mumbled and rolled over away from the hand. Something slammed into your head making you sit up.
"What your problem?!"
You blink your eyes a few times before being able to focus on the people before you. A blonde girl stands in front of the couch, you knew her all to well. A short brown haired girl stands behind her fixing her own makeup.
"Who's your new minion?"
"Why does it matter? By the way, you look like a dying rat with your hair matted".
"Can't you hear what she said?"
You look up to see the short haired girl before you with a hand placed on her hip. Her lips are stained red and her cheeks are filled with obvious unnatural colors. You smirk and raise an eyebrow.
"So who's the new brat, care to introduce?"
"You little Bitch!"
You laugh at her reaction before turning back around to face the wall that was behind you.
"Hey! Were talking to you!"
You feel another hit but this time on your spine. You winch at it but remain silent.
"By the way, I have ear buds in".
"What does that mean?"
"I have ear buds in".

You actually did not have ear buds in, they hung dead around your neck. You saw them look at them a few times now.
You heard one of the two girls growl in response before you felt pressure on the couch. You felt rumbling down the hall get closer and heated a scream next to you. You turn your head a bit and caught a glance of the scene. The girls that were next to you had gotten swept by the huge crowd and were being carried away towards the door. You smiled at the sight then turned your head to face towards the wall once again. You played your head on the cushion, your head sinking into the softness. 'First love' faded onto your phone and you exhaled. Breath becoming rhythmic once more and mind going blank, sleep over took you.
Namjoon and the boys walked down the back hallway. One staff member rusted by Suga, causing him to trip
Jungkook, Jimin, and V chucked as Jin glared at him. The boys continued to walk as Namjoon turned the corner with the rest of the group close behind. He suddenly stopped, making the boys, who were not paying attention, run into him. Suga cursed.
"Namjoon, whats up?".
J-hope put his arm around Namjoon and peered over his shoulder. Staff members swept down the hall towards a couch that sat there. One security guard nearby spoke into a radio.
"Someone fell asleep on the couch, how do we know if their not trying to jump the group? 34".
"34, this is 12, we'll wake her up and take her outside, 12".
Pink hair flew by the boys in a flash, leaving them stunned. Jimin brushed past the staff and security, trying to get closer to the couch.
"Ah~ Jimin, I'm afraid that you c-"
Jimin shoved past the security blocking his path and saw (y/n) laying there sound asleep.
"Don't worry were about to mo-"
"No its fine, leave her".
The security before him blinked before nodding and backing away. The rest of the members walked over on the tiles and silently looks.
"Oh! Its the girl that I just met!"
Jungkook stared at you with eyes sparkling mischievously. The lights around the hall way illuminated of the windows making the outside world look dark. It was about 7:50 and the sun was setting. The sun cased a faint light on your face making you appear in peaceful sleep. You lay there unaware of the people gathered around you.
"Yoongi, what are you doing?!".
Not that you felt pressure but the end of the couch near your feet sunk in. Suga sat on the end of the couch scrolling through his phone. He rolled his eyes at Jin who exclaimed, and sunk deeper.
"I'm sitting-"
"You'll wake her!"
Jin silently yelled at him before grabbing sugas arm. Suga grumbled a complaint but got up from the soft leather. You groaned sleepily and rolled over a little more, farther away from the light. Jimin stayed silents as the boys chattered about their fan meet. J-hope was talking about how he met you. Namjoon talked about a blonde chick who was being too 'sweet'. Jungkook blabbed about chocolates. V talked about people making fun of his hat, and Suga and Jin were fighting silently about manners. Jimin finally moved and walked towards the couch. He gazed down on you, smiling as you murmured at your sleep.
"Jimin, V, we have to go, the manager is calling for us to leave".
Namjoon waved the rest of the boys towards the exit that he was walking to. Suga, Jin, Jungkook, and J-hope were already outside with their hoods on. Jimin opened your hand and stuck a green note into your hand before walking away. He glanced at you once more before following Tae out of the building and climbed into a black van.
"Jin hyung, what are we going to do?"
Jin looked at Namjoon for a second before answering.
"She'll wake up and go home, if not then the janitors will wake her".
Namjoon nodded, satisfied with the answer and sat in the silents of the car.

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