A Bunch Of Idiots

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ou woke with a start when you heard a loud and obnoxious sound. You sleepily blinked open your eyes but you wished you hadn't because the light was too bright. You grumbled and tried to get up. You were unaware of the blankets wrapped around your feet. Your eyes widened as you tumbled off the cushions and onto the concrete. Your spine connected with the floor, making you give out a small squeak of pain.

"For the lov-"

A cyan color caught your eye, you looked over to your right to see a sticky note next to you. It was folded neatly and had 'Jimin' written on the top. You tilted your head and grabbed for the sticky note. The loud noise suddenly got louder and hot air hit your hand, making you draw back. A nozzle of a vacuum rested just above the note before sucking it up into its void. You looked up sceptic and saw a teen boy cleaning up the "trash" around the couch. He stopped for a moment and rummaged through the couch until he found something and lifted it out to reveal it. Gawking, you recognized your white earbuds as he placed them near the nozzle of the machine and watched it go. You were dumbfounded, and really annoyed.
"Whoa! What are you doing?!"
'This little crap!'
He looked at you before walking off into another direction. You stumbled forward, ignoring the pain, and lumbered towards him. You practically threw yourself at the machine and ripped the top off. The stick note and pair of ear buds lay on top. You snatched them up, ignoring the trash sticking to them, and glared at the boy before walking towards the lit (Lit!) exit.
"This rude brat".
The boy must have over heard your hushed words because he scoffed, you pretended no to hear him and walked out of the hallway.
Once you opened the door, you were greeted with shocking cold air and snow fell around you. Tiny white flecks made themselves at home as they buried their particles into your (l/c) hair.

Breath rose as you made your way down the cold concrete sidewalk. It was early morning and traffic already flooded the streets. You couldn't care less about the very few people that ran by, you just wanted sleep after all. You yawned, closing your eyes in the process. Unaware of your surroundings, your nose and forehead came into sudden and painful contact with something cold and hard. To bluntly state it, you had ran into a pole. The pole did not move out of the way like the few people on the sidewalk had done. The pole just sat there, rudely. You grunt and push off the cold metal and walk to the side of the road.
'I'm going to need a ride there'
Just as soon as you put your hand out, a car was next to you in a flash. You opened the back door and crawled into whatever free space it had, Trash littered the grey floor and bottles of alcohol lay empty.
'Is this safe?'
"How much?"
"9 Won, Doll."
You recognized the voice immediately and it creeped you out. You risked a glance in the car mirror. An almost bald guy stared back at you with a yellow stained smile, you innerly cringed and looked away. You quickly slipped the old man a piece of paper with the street and address. Slumping against the car door, you stared out the window and saw the world stream by. Cars were stuck on the busy street to your right and lights blurred from the left. The guy insisted on driving on the backstreets, and you had no objections, so you both now road silently in the dark. You were starting to fall asleep when you were suddenly flung forward, face connecting with fabric.

"Why does th-"
"We are here, get out."
You clicked your tongue at his remark, before grabbing the car door handle and getting out. You could have cared less about the melting snow, except when you got out, your foot planted itself into a cold puddle.
"Have fun Doll."
'For the love of god'
You heard the acceleration of a motor and smoke clouded around you.
You, having lifted your feet out of the puddle, shook them on the dry cement. You stuck your earbuds into your ear before walking over to the shop that lay ahead. Your shoes brushed against a welcome mat before entering the shop. A chime ringed as the door is opened, and your face is greeted with warm, sweet air. The lights are not on and everything lays dead.
A shatter of glass broke the silents and you jumped at the sudden sound.
"Oh.. my god! You scared me!"
You turn around to see the woman from yesterday picking up shards of glass. You move to help her out but stop when you notice her glaring at you. She moves slowly and cautiously around you, making not noise.
"I came to work."
She glares hole into the back of your head but you don't dare turn.
"Your early!" The woman said dully.
"I can tell, people tend to be grumpier."
She appears before you with her forehead scrunched up; she points an orange painted fingernail at you.
"Don't sass me! I am your manager."
You freeze, the room temperature seems to drop.
'Did I just piss of my boss?'
Your too stunned to say anything.
"Don't worry though, I like you, your not worried about consequences,"
She snickers at the last part. You let out a breath that you didn't even notice you were holding.
"Is that?
She nods and smiles.
"But you were-"
"Cold? Evil? I like teasing the new employees."
A hand pats you on the back before you hear footsteps to your left.
"I'm going to throw these away," the woman moves the dust pan around, "please set the tables while your here."
You nod, though she probably didn't see since she was already ten feet away, so you walked towards the farthest tables.

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