Life's Sweetest Moments

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You could their heels click as they walk away. You smirk, pleased with yourself. You start heading towards the back exit of the building just as spring day is ending. You couldn't stop yourself from humming the last words.

"Passing by the edge of the cold winter, until the days of spring, until the days of the flower blossoms. Please stay, please stay there a little bit longer.." You can't help but feel emotional while walking out the door.

"She's good at singing Hyung, especially out parts."

"I know J-hope." 


You noticed that it was about dusk outside already and it looked absolutely stunning. The street lights glistened and the cars passing by made everything look bright but there was on down side, your hotel. The hotel that you were staying at was anything but gorgeous nor bright, in fact it was shady and suspicious. 

"I would stay anywhere other than here", you mumbled to yourself. 

People would think that you were broke or something and not want to talk to you, not that you wanted to with anyone in the first places. You continued down the lit (Lit!) street until you got to your destination. The door of the hotel squeaked at your entrance as if telling you to turn around. 

"Where have you been?". 

The lady at the front desk was staring you down with the same eyes as the three girls from the fan meet. You giggled to yourself because it reminded you of cinderella, the evil step mother and sisters. The woman voice was higher than it was this morning and you thought that you should just let her know that you better. 

"You can drop the voice, I know its like a guys", You snicker at her. 

The woman lips twisted into a faint smile. 

"Thank god, it was starting to hurt my throat you know". 

You seemed surprised that she didn't do anything rash until you looked at her again and saw an evil smirk plastered on her face. This was not going to go well and you knew it. 

"I'll be heading to my room than", you said while heading down the dark hallway on your left. 

Warm breath hit your ear but you continued walking until you were sure that no one ( specifically the hotel owner) was following you. Just as you turned the door nob to your room, someone grabbed the collar of your shirt, dragging you backwards until you were against the hallway wall. Your spine protested as your back dug into the wall. Onion breath wafered into your nose as you looked up to see the hostel owner in front of you.

"Curfew is 10:30 pm", she said. 

You just stood there staring at her is awe. Freaking 10:30? you were basically an adult! The hotel owner let go of your shirt and stalked back towards the front dest, leaving you to your thoughts. You grumbled to yourself before shouting down the hallway. 

"Do you have a shower with good water!"

"Across from your room is a separate bathroom that works!" a deep voice replied from somewhere ahead of you. 

You unlocked your room and went to go get a change of clothes as well as a tooth brush. You already guessed that the bathroom would have towels and products for you to use. You dashed from your room to the bathroom across the hall, and holy crap were you surprised. Ahead of you was a shining white shower that looked like it was never used. Beside the shower was a closet that held a washer and dryer. Across from the shower was a counter that had two sinks built in. You had never seen anything this clean or neat so far in this hotel. You locked the door behind you to make sure that no one would walk in on you. You started to undress when you noticed that the shower had a build in Jacuzzi.  

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