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Edited and published on 1-11-2018



I think today is my worst day because I woke up late, my car stopped suddenly on the way so I've to call someone I know to get it done and lastly I left it on roads. I checked my watch and noticed I've got 15 minutes to reach my work building. As the company in which I'm working is near by I decided to walk....

Plugging my earphones I played my favorite album and started walking.... I saw the streets were busy with vehicles, school buses and people. I stood on footpath waiting for pedestrian signal....

"Rishi.... Don't run.. Stop right there!" I heard a woman yelling at a little boy. The kid passed me and stepped on roads where vehicles were now coming as it displayed green signal....He's staring at signal lights in awe rooted in his spot. From the corner of my eye I saw cars coming and stepping forward I got hold of him and dragged him to footpath where I'm standing previously.

"Oh my god Rishi... Are you okay?" woman came running towards us.

"I'm fine mom" he said looking up at her.

"How many times I told you to not run on roads and that too be careful. Huh?" she started yelling to which he dropped his face to ground.

"Excuse me. Can you stop scolding him.. He's fine now right " I kneeled down taking his hands I made him look at me "Hey Rishi... I really like you. You got a nice name there!" I spoke, he smiled at me "Thank you"

"You shouldn't leave your mom's hand while crossing roads okay.. It's dangerous. Do you get it?" I ruffled his hair as he hugged me. I looked up and saw his mom giving me a wary look and tugging on Rishi's hand they left us. I totally forgot about that I've to reach office in 5 minutes.. I crossed roads and jogged to my office. Luckily I reached on time.. I got a glimpse of Ritu on elevator but before I can reach her the doors were closed. Cursing under my breath I waited for another ride and reached my floor.


"Hey I've to thank you for giving me garage contact number.. My car broke down today morning. I walked to company" I finished staring at my friend who started eating without me. I told her about my wedding proposal and about kishore 's call.. And waited for her outburst.

"So, you're marrying someone in a week" Ritu spoke smirking at me. I gave her death glare and she stopped what she's doing and let out a sigh folding her hands and giving me a passive look.

"Wedding in a week? At first Who'd agree for that arranged marriage Ritu?"

"Why? Are you in love with someone for rejecting this proposal?" she asked narrowing her brows waiting for me to say yes so that she'd go crazy and can yell at me for not telling her.

But my answer is 'no'. I've no one in my heart. Yet.

"There's no one Ritu. You can breath now" I trailed and saw her letting out a sigh and shoving food into her mouth. We sat at company's canteen, I love food here. We'll eat together here everyday its like our daily routine.

"I thought you're keeping secrets from me babe... I'm relieved now. So what are you going to do now?" she asked finishing her food.

"Let's see what I can do" We took elevator and parted ways as she walked to her floor. I looked up and saw a man standing beside me, I thought he'd press the button to his floor as mine is top most floor but he kept staring ahead...

"Excuse me? You're in which department?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Design... " he replied looking down at me. I cursed for being 5'7 and glanced up at him "Sorry.. But I didn't see you in our department before"

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