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Edited and published on 4-11-2018



"Hi Megha. What a surprise?" he gushed once he saw us making down the stairs.

I went towards him and gave a brief hug before pulling and answering his question "Why do you look so shocked? Didn't mom tell you that I'm coming home?" 

He shook his head while settling down on couch I sat beside him. Joseph sat across us and I saw mom going to their bedroom I think carrying his briefcase which he handed earlier "So tell me how are you? How's your work?"  he asked looking at me.

"I'm fine as you can see and so my work except for my head who tortures us every time we take a break from work" I explained shaking my head in annoyance.

They chuckled and I sat there pouted and looking bored "Is she giving you hard time?" he asked seriously once their laughter died.

"Come on dad. If she says 'Yes', will you go give warning to her head or what?"  Joseph asked amusingly looking at us.

"No I wouldn't do that. I'll just tell my friend to hire you in his company only if you want to!" Mr philip spoke looking at me in hope.

I shook my head "No. Thank you but I love this company___ especially the food at their canteen" I replied clapping my hands cheerfully.

Joseph busted into laughter at once and Mom joined him so I guess she listened everything what we're talking here. I frowned and glanced at Mr Philip who's giving me a warm smile which made my lips to tug upwards....

We were interrupted by sound of boots I whipped my head and saw two men were making way towards us. one was the earlier guard who opened the gates for me and  another one - Oh!

He looks handsome with robust structure. I found myself staring at him for more than a minute and If I'm not wrong I think I saw him smirking at me before stopping in front of us "Mr Philip may I leave now?" he asked looking at him.

"Yeah but why don't you have dinner with us?" Mr philip asked him.

"It's okay sir. My ammi must be waiting for me at home. So I'll take my leave for today...Aadi will be staying here tonight" he spoke motioning towards the other guy.

"Alright. Good night Ghaafar"

"Good night sir" he nodded and saying 'bye' to Joseph he walked away with Aadi tailing behind him and I didn't miss the brief glance he passed my way. I felt my heat raising on cheeks for a second and deciding on checking if they caught it I looking at Joseph who gave me a teasing smirk.

He wiggled his brows motioning towards the door from where they left a few seconds ago. I shook my head at him and turned to Mr philip "Who are they?" I asked.

"They are___" 

"You can ask later Meghu. Let him go fresh up first" mom yelled walking back to kitchen. I nodded and he left upstairs....

Joseph rushed to my side and occupied the place where his father sat previously "So tell me what's going on between you two? He's passing you sweet, cute stares!"  he demanded grinning at me.

My eyes widened and I gushed out hurriedly "Stupid. How could you think like that... I don't even know him. In fact this is the first time I saw him!"

"Then why is he looking at you? Huh?" he asked raising his brows.

I shrugged as I leaned back on couch to relax while he went silent for a few minutes "I think he likes you Dii!" I snapped my head in his direction in disbelief "Yeah... I've never seen him checking out a woman before. He's so different from others... He had no girlfriends in past"

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