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Some changes were made to this chapter and you may find some new characters....

I suggest you to read it again

Edited and published on 14-11-2018



"So your answer is no then?"

"Then what is it Kishore, how can you do this to me?" I asked fisting my palms.

"Baby, I thought he forgot about this but what can I do if he called me after all these years. He said he searched everywhere for me and that at last he got my information"

"Say No to them!" I spoke taking a seat again.

"Is it a game or what? It's ridiculous grandpa... Let go off that promise, who'll do this for the promise they made years ago... It's 2017 not 90s!" I rattled.

"No dear... He can't, it'll effect his pride and also he can't break the promise which he made. You're literally breaking their friendship by saying no and their relationship wouldn't have value if we do this!" Radha said giving me a sad, warning look.

I looked at my mom who's watching us "What do you say?" I asked her.

"I heard a lot about Malhotras... He's Kishore's friend and I'm sure they must be good people.. So why don't you say yes!"

I closed my eyes pressing my fingers to temple expecting to ease my headache.... "I'm still 23 for God's sake .... Don't you think its too early for marriage?" I didn't open my eyes because I'm sure I'll broke down.

Marriage means taking responsibility and I'm not ready for this... I didn't even enjoyed my freedom, bachelor days.... What will happen to my life after this marriage?

"Baby, I got married at 21 itself.. I know you're scared of this sudden thing but I'm sure you'll get used to it... You're a grown up woman, you're not still our little girl!" Mom spoke hugging me and caressing my hair.

"Let me think.. Bye for now, I'm leaving " I grabbed my keys, handbag and walked out of the house with mom following me closely behind.

Malhotras.... The ones who owned the company in which I'm working? These people are not the ones I think right?

Meghu... The world is big! And I'm sure they're not the ones you're thinking.....

"You'll be staying with us right?" Mom asked getting my attention. I glanced at her before drifting my eyes back to roads.

"Yeah. I'll leave tomorrow" she nodded and we fell into silence after that.

As soon as she got out of the car she rushed inside and yelled "Our daughter is getting married!"

"Mom!" I yelled at her outburst. I saw Mr philips and Ghaffar giving us strange looks.

"What? Really?" Joseph asked coming towards us.

"No! I didn't say yes yet" I denied

"But you'll have to say yes eventually" Mom spoke sitting beside her husband.

I slumped across them and Joseph joined me placing a comfort arm on my shoulder "Have you seen him?" he whispered.

I shook my head "Kishore wants me to marry his friends grandson because of their silly promise. Isn't it ridiculous?" I spoke rubbing my right eyebrow.

I noticed our parents exchanging looks and Mr philip asked Ghaffar to leave. He left the house not before throwing me a look "You don't want to get marry?" Mr Philip asked me.

Married to Mr Neat freakWhere stories live. Discover now