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Yeah right, like you ever cared about me. I was just some doll that you played with. Now I understand why you were so distant in school, you didn't want to be seen with me.

Yeah, I understand completely that I'm not like any other girls that throw themselves on you, I don't dress or look like them. But I thought you liked me for me.

School was extra hard for me today. Because first of all you didn't walk with me to school. Secondly I now know your true colors and thirdly all your friends were talking so loudly about how you dumped me. Which is not true at all, because you haven't even talked to me today.

What's sure is that you are going to hear a piece of my mind when I'll ever see you. And well, if I tell my dad then I'm pretty sure you're going to hear his too.

But as much as I hate you now, I still love you enough to not label you as a cheater in front of my parents.

I just want that you will tell me honestly that you have cheated on me and that I will not hear about it from other people.

But I guess this is how the life goes.

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