Chapter Eleven

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Jen stands at the shoreline, sighing softly as the wind tosses her hair around. Ryan sits in a chair, watching her, his camera in his lap. She sighs, closing her eyes, wiggling her sand covered toes. Ryan lifts his camera as she starts to turn, biting his lip as he snaps a picture, smiling at her.
"Ry? Lets go for a walk." He nods, standing, taking her hand. 

They take their time as the walk on the sand, Jennie's head on Ryan's shoulder and her hands around his. He presses a kiss to the side of her head, smiling to himself. "Are you tired?" He asks softly, she nods.

"Carry me." Jen whispers, holding her arms out. He scoops her up, cradling her protectively as he walks to his car, buckling her in. She smiles as he climbs into the drivers seat, putting his hand on her knee. "I love you." She whispers, looking over at him. He doesn't immediately respond and she frowns. "Ry?"

He shakes his head. "Sorry, just thinking." He says, looking over at her. "I love you too." He gives a fake smile.

"You don't have to lie to me." She says back, bitterly.

"I'm not lying, Jen." He shoots back, arching a brow.

"Whatever." She pushes his hand away. He slams on the breaks and pulls off onto the shoulder of the road. "What?" She asks, looking around anxiously.

"How dare you tell me that I'm lying to you about how I feel. How dare you tell me that. I fucking love you and if you're too blind to see it then that's your fucking fault. I love you and I've loved you since I saw you at the fucking airport with Vinny. I loved you when you were marrying Chris and I love you now. Don't you ever fucking tell me how I'm feeling." He snaps, a vain sticking out of his neck, making her bite her lip, tears pooling in her eyes. "I love you, Jennie." A tear slips down her flushed cheek. "W-why are you crying?" He asks softly.

"I'm sorry." She whimpers, burying her face in her hands. Ryan gently unbuckles her and pulls her into his lap, putting his flashers on. "I- you- I'm sorry!" She sobs into his shoulder, her arm tight around his neck, her other hand against his chest.

Ryan starts to drive home, Jennie asleep in his lap. Sure it's dangerous, but he can't be bothered to move her, so he takes his time.

They arrive at home, Ryan carefully lays her in his bed, undressing her gently and redresses her in a big baggy t shirt. She lets out a soft sigh, curling up. He smiles, kissing her forehead before laying with her.

Jennie stirs awake, letting out a cute sound, reaching around, only to grab empty bedsheets. She whines sleepily, sitting up, "Ry?" She asks groggily, getting up. She goes to the hall and hears the shower running. Jennie slowly opens the door before slipping in, biting her lip as she looks at his silhouette through the foggy glass shower door.

She undresses before stepping in behind him, her hand on his shoulder. He jumps before turning around, smiling softly. "Holy shit Jen!" He says, trying not to look down at her body. "You scared me." She giggles, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek.

"So, if you and I are going to be a thing, we need to come up with stuff you do not like." Ryan says, laying in bed across from Jennie. "So tell me what you don't like."

"Chris had me call him daddy." She whispers.

"Did you like that?" He asks quietly, she shakes her head.

"No because I told him how uncomfortable it felt and he still had me do it."

Ryan rolls his eyes.  "I never liked him, to be honest." He finally reveals, his cheeks pink.


"I didn't like how he treated you." He says, obviously wanting to stop talking about it. "He was an ass." Jennie gets up and climbs on top of Ryan, her hands on his chest.

"Shh.." She whispers, her hand on his cheek. He lets out a heavy sigh, looking up at her. "That's in the past, honey." He nods, pulling her down to his chest, she adjusts her hips against his, smiling at the soft sound he lets out. Jen starts kissing him softly.

Once the clothes hit the floor, there's a knock on the front door, Ryan curses loudly, pulling out and away. He tugs some pants up his legs, huffing.

He swings the door open, really to snap at whoever interrupted them. "Devin?"

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