Chapter XVIII-Grayson

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Kristen's POV

So if you're wonder yes I beat Victoria ass and I got suspended but I didn't give a damn

Val-You want me to beat her ass for you


Me- Lmao no I'm good she had it coming when she said it

Val- I feel ya on that one but why'd she do it??😒

Me- cuz she a fake bitch and she mad bcuz I took Ethan from her ass

Val- I mean you had him first

New Message---AssClown🐢- Kristen?

Me- Exactly but can we not talk about him and speaking of him he just texted me

Val- Leave him on read

I got to the message and open it leaving him on seen

Me- You know I did😏

Val- I gtg my mom wants me to go shopping wit her but ttyl

Me- ttyl love ya

Assclown🐢- Don't leave me on read

Assclown🐢 wants to facetime

You know that moment when you're pressing away on your phone and when someone calls you accidentally hit accept well that's what happen to me

He looked at the  screen and he seemed to be laying in the dark in his bed

"You answered!"

"Yeah I did now what do you want?"

"I uh I just wanted to apologize for um-"

"Sidechicking me"

"I didn't side chick you just don't understand"

"What that Friday Night meant nothing to you"

"It meant anything to you?"

"I never said that" I look away from the camera and he looks at me with a smile on his face

He knows I love his smile its one of a kind and makes me want to kiss him

"You didn't have to say it,it's written all over your face babygirl" I look back at the camera
"There goes my beautiful Kristen"

I blushed
Why does he always do this to me

Grayson's POV

"So Mr.Dolan I see you're here to be tested for HIV am I correct?"I nodded

I thought I should  get tested although I used a condom and I didn't eat her out nor let her give me a bj but condoms sometime don't work

" OK Mr.Dolan I'm going to need you to take a seat" I did as said and sat down

The doctor grabbed a needle and alcohol wipes from a cabinet and wiped my upper arm with it

"I'm going to just get some of your blood for testing" I nodded and he stuck me with needle taking my blood

He pulled it " all done"he put a bandage over it and I stood up

"So when will the results come in?"

"A few days but we will give a call when they do but other than that you are free to go"

"Thanks Doc" I grabbed my jacket and left the doctor's office

As I was walking to my car I saw someone in it through the window

I ran to my car opening the door

"Hailey what the fuck are you doing in my car!!!"

"Get in Grayson" she said calmly and I got in the car

"I know about you and Kristen?"

Damn what don't this bitch know

"I don't know what you're talking about Hailey"

"Oh come on Grayson I'm not stupid I knew Kristen was there and I heard her moaning"

"Hailey don't tell Ethan"

"Oh I won't under one condition"

A/N-Sorry for the short Chapter
Next one will be longer

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