1. The Waynes

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"As mayor of this great city, I swear to you, the perpetrators of this heinous crime will be captured and will be punished to the fullest extent. I swear that to you." Harvey shook his head, turning off the small television. Jim Gordon, his new partner just frowned, his arms crossed.

"Poor b*st*rd. First a crime wave and now this." Their captain, Sarah Essen, muttered. "You take all the people and resources you need. You just close this case."

"I'll help." Joanna Crane announced. "I believe this is much urgent than the case I had been working on" Essen sighed but nodded.

"Work your magic."

"Yes, Captain." Jo nodded her head, turning to the door. Silently she left the office, heading towards her own. She walked up the stairs and stopped as she noticed Kirsten Kringle standing next to the water dispenser. "Miss Kringle," The woman looked up, a slight jump in her movements. "I have just been assigned a new case. Could you fetch me the files?"

Kirsten nodded, pushing her glasses further up her nose. "Of course, Miss Crane." Jo bobbed her head and turned on her heel, heading the opposite way, towards an old looking door. Kirsten Kringle watched her boss leave, a shiver running down her spine. She shook herself out of it and walked off to get the files.


Nearly five hours had passed and none of the detectives had seen the black haired criminologist. Just now that they had finished the interrogations she had reappeared out of her office. Just in time as well because Edward Nygma, their forensic scientist had finished his research of the bullet that was used to kill the Wayne's. "Guess what this is?" he grinned, holding up the bullet. Harvey squinted his eyes.

"Just tell me, Ed. I want riddles, I'll read the funny pages." Edward's smile didn't falter.

"It's a .45 caliber 300-grain cupronickel wadcutter. Came out of Thomas Wayne's chest." Jo reached out and took the bag from him, taking a good look at the copper bastard.

"That's a six-dollar bullet." She confirmed, her face pulled into a small frown.

"Uh-huh." Edward's grinned. "What kind of gun..." he started, his focus completely on Jo. It was no secret he was smitten with her. He had just never had the courage to talk to her.

Harvey held up his hand. "Ah-ah-ah, don't ask, just tell." Edward's smile disappeared.

"It's from a pistol not known by our database." Jo answered before Edward could. His smile returned and he nodded.

"And no print, either." He added. A small smile formed on Jo's lips as she handed him the bullet back.

"What else you got?" Jim asked, cutting between the two. Edward seemed to ignore him.

"What's nowhere but everywhere, except where something is?"

"Nothing." Only it wasn't Jo who answered but Jim. This caused Edward's mood to deflate again.

"You need professional help, Nygma, seriously." Harvey muttered, standing up. He nodded at the other two. "Let's go."

"Thank you Mister Nygma" Jo spoke to him, nodding her head. She then turned and walked after the two men. Edward blinked, and stared at her before he grinned, a plan forming in his mind.

"So I'm thinking, our man wears shiny shoes, uses high-end ammo, and nobody on the street knows who he is? Maybe he's not from the street." Jim voiced his thoughts, walking down the stairs with Jo and Harvey.

"Like a debonair playboy robber, does it for kicks? Who would pretend to be a street robber, huh?" Harvey joked. Jim shook his head.

"A professional contract killer or somebody with a personal grudge against the Waynes."

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