Chapter before 2018 (New year Special)

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Y: huh? Why? What happened to you?

Kath: a few days left then it will be 2018

Diamond: soo.. does it mean we have a lot of food today?

Kath: more like that but if you wanna, I can summon them really quick

Diamond: yes please :3

Kath: later

Diamond: ._. Oh..

Pearl: pfft

Diamond: hump

Kath: aside from 2018, I received a new phone from my aunt last Christmas!

Platinum: *claps ladylike*

Kath: Super good news!! Since I have received a new phone (which is I am using right now) I won't be able to create a new account!

Platinum: why... Why are you happy? I thought--

Kath: yeah,yeah.. And since I have account, I logged in to that account then BOOM! My account is saved

Platinum: no "user not found"?

Kath: yep, all safe

Platinum: *claps ladylike again*

Kath: let's move on to the topic! *clearing throat* wait, where's the others again?

Pearl&Y: upstairs sleeping

Kath: *face palms* sleepy heads... *heads to the second floor*

Pearl: get ready to cover your ears! *covers his ears*

*a super duper loud clang is heard*

~meanwhile at upstairs~

Kath: WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS! YOU GUYS SLEPT FOR LIKE... TWO CHAPTERS STRAIGHT!!! *still banging an unknown loud instrument*


Kath: *drops the instrument*


Kath: -.- whatever... ahem, PROCEED TO DOWNSTAIRS!!

Sapphire: h..huh, whaa..? Am I.. Dreaming? *looking dizzy*

Emerald: nope

Sapphire: *falls asleep*

Emerald: what just happened to her?

Kath: mmmmm... meh, let's just leave her alone

Ruby: ......... Haha... Poor barbarian..

Kath: RUBY!

Ruby: coming!


Kath: okay, so, since 2018 is coming soon, let's do a little game!

Gold: eh? What kind of game?

Kath: it is somehow related to new year

Special: *yawns* a new year resolution?

Kath: just like that but with a twist

Special: okay, what kind of twist?

Kath: lemme explain... You know what's new year resolution right?

Everyone else: yeah

Kath: well, you will do it personally :3

Crystal: like, my new year resolution will be not to hurt Gold then I'll do it.. now?

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