ii. {29/11/17}

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Word count: 994

Today is the day I move out. Today is the day I start a new life.
If you're confused, Yesterday I found an Ad on Facebook for this apartment in San Fransisco that had 6 kids and they where looking for One more roommate, I immediately called the number saying I was interested in the offer. Since It wasn't expensive. One of the teens living there, Gaten, asked and I answered a couple of questions before telling me I was accepted and I could move in the next morning. I  told him I didn't live in San Fransisco and it would take a few hours but this afternoon I would be there and he said it was OK and they were waiting.

"I'm proud of you, Y/N." My stupid mother says kicking my room door down while I was  packing the last things.
"What do you mean Carla?" I responded not looking in her face.
She squeezed both my cheeks with one hand and brought my face to look at her.
"I mean I'm proud you finally decided to stop disgracing this family you bitch."
" Look Carla, if somebody here is a disgrace that someone is not me but you. How do you have the nerve to do this to your daughter? You are crazy. You are Ill, mentally Ill Carla. Go get help while I get a better life. See you in hell Fuck Tart." I answered looking her straight in the face. After that I picked my bags and went downstairs to pack a bagpack with food so i don't get too hungry on the way, getting everything in my car ( yes you have a car i know super fucking wierd but pretty please just go with it its easier for me to write and real less complicated) I bolt out of the driveway happy for the best decision I have made in YEARS.

"THESE BITCHES CHEATERS THEY ALWAYS GON COPY ME" I sang loudly at Elastic by Bali Baby blasting through the car speakers. I had my phone connected in the aux cord and playing my happy playlist. I didn't hear that playlist in a while.

After about 3 hours i stopped to get gas and stretch a Little. Only 2 more hours till The Place!! I am so excited I can't even explain.

Time skip to arriving at San Fransisco.

4:40 PM
Yay! I just saw the 'welcome to San Fransisco' Sign and I've never been so happy ever in my life.
After getting lost about 3 times I decided to put on the GPS so I can at least get there before 6:00PM.
My phone was almost dying from playing music since I left so I had to put it to charge before turning on the Maps App and putting the address.
After about 30 minutes I stop at this Really pretty building that looks like it has about 15 out 16 floors. I park my car outside and took only my small bag so I can talk to them before getting all my stuff. I looked back at my texts to see the floor and the apartment number and it just had the floor number so I assumed it was one apartment per floor. I walked into the lobby and told the guy in the reception the floor and who I was. He called the apartment to check if I could go upstairs and then he said I could go and leave my car key and he will take my bags upstairs.
I pressed the elevator button and waited about 5 seconds for it to arrive on the floor I was then I got it and saw this couple making out and almost eating up their faces.
I coughed a little to get their attention to stop because someone was beside them but the girl looked at me and just said " oh hey sorry for my manners, I'm Ellie and this is Jack" then immediately went back to eating his face out. Ew.

I got out the elevator on my floor and it opened to this huge apartment that was a little bit messy but really clean considering that 6 teens live in here.
"aaaaa stranger danger!" Said this red head girl coming out of the kitchen.
"Sadie are you OK?!" Said a girls voice with a British accent. Looked like she was upstairs.
"Um actually I am Y/N. I'm moving in gere. Do you know any Gatens?"
"ooooohhhh yeahhhh Y/N!!" Sadie said giving me a hug.
" Y/N is here?! " said a voice that looked like Gatens. after that 2 boys and one girl came running down the stairs and all hugged me at once.
"woah woah calm down guys I'm just and ordinary person" I said giggling.
"Did you fall from heaven?" Said the
Other boy that had dark curly hair and some freckles on his face.
"Woah Finn she's been her for 5 minutes calm your tits!" "Oh shut up Gaten".
" Well I'll show you to your room and when you're done getting settled we'll all show you around and maybe we can go catch a movie!" Gaten said "Sounds great!" I answered.
He showed me to my room and I made my bed with some sheets and some pillows I brought from home.
The bed was huge and so was the room. This is going to be the best years of my life. I can feel it!

Sooo I know its been like 2 chapters but are you guys enjoying the story? Do you have any suggestions? Do you want a character or a chapter dedicated to you or anyone of your choice? Any Couples you want to see in the story?
Leave suggestions down below Thank UUU

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