Chapter Sixteen

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Under normal circumstances, I would've enjoyed my position. Except that my older brother was less then five feet away and delivering the death glare to me. Oh, and the boy whose lap I was sitting on? Yeah, I rejected him three days ago.

A bump in the round caused me to fall back into Grayson.

"Sorry," I said through gritted teeth. All I could focus on was his warmth.

I felt him shake his head. "You're fine, Ellie."

Another bump.

James smirked in the rearview mirror. "You kids all right back there?" he asked innocently.

Grayson gritted his teeth. "Yes, James, we're fine. Thanks so much for asking."

James winked. "Anything for my two lovebirds." I stiffened.

By this time, it seemed like James was trying to hit all the speed bumps in town, which he probably was.

After we hit the sixth bump, Grayson wrapped his arms around my waist.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Thanks."

He nodded. "Sure." Grayson's arms acted as my seat belt for the rest of the ride, holding me back in place when my body wanted to go flying. They were warm, strong, and perfectly bronze. I never wanted him to let go.

We got to school in twenty minutes oppose to the usual ten. I wonder why. "Wasn't that fun guys?" James said as we pulled into his senior parking spot.

"So much fun," I sarcastically agreed.

James shrugged. "Yeah, you seemed to be enjoying yourself." Andrew glared at him and I blushed madly. "Think fast!" James shouted and the keys to my Audi flew at my chest.

Grayson awkwardly unlocked the door and I slide out. I instantly missed the feeling of his arms.

"So see you later?" I asked as I backed away from Grayson.


I swallowed. "Lunch." Grayson called out to me again as I walked away but I kept my head low and didn't turn around.


Honors Chemistry, third period. I had no friends, not one. I put my backpack down, per usual. I didn't want anyone to sit down next to me. I heard a plop as someone threw my backpack to the ground.


"No?" the guy asked clearly amused.

"No," I repeated once again.

"No to no means yes, thanks." I looked up to glare up at the person stealing my sanctuary. It was Jason. I don't remember ever seeing him here.

"You're in this class?"

He flashes his pearly whites. "As of today. I got moved up. Teach me the ropes?"

I smiled at the idea of me being the one to teach someone else. "Sure."

For the rest of class I helped him out. I told him how Ms. Collins tests were and how she liked to take notes. I also told him what kind of notebook he would need (she was picky about that) and other necessary information all while learning about oxidation-reduction reactions.

At the end, we had to decide who are lab partners were going to be for the year.

"Wanna be together?" Jason had asked.

"Sure." I didn't know anyone else.

"Great, lets go to lunch."

"Please." My stomach growled.

** REWRITING ** Tidal WaveWhere stories live. Discover now