Chapter Eighteen

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The bright green turf was flooded with blue and red. The lights shined bright in my eyes. The wind blew and I wrapped my arms around myself. "Cold?" Kiera asked.

My teeth chattered. "Just a little."

She nodded and reached into her bag. "I got you." She pulled out an identical sweatshirt to what she was wearing. It was royal blue and said 'Coby High 2012 National Champions' with a football in black and white. I threw it over my head and instantly felt warmer. "You can have it if you want. I don't need two," Kiera said.

I grinned. "Thanks." She smiled in return and turned back to the game. It was pretty intense. We would score, and then they would. It was constantly back and forth.

For a girl, I knew a lot about football but compared to Kiera I didn't. "Terrible call," she would mutter then scream,"COME ON REF! WAKE UP!" I could only laugh as the man, probably in his late twenties, scowered the crowd for whoever was yelling out theses things. His eyes would skip right over us. No one would suspect the petite and pretty looking brunette would be screaming. But she was. And she was loud. I had had the urge to cover my ears but then I knew she would stop and it was too funny.

Grayson was amazing. I couldn't describe it in any other way. The passes he through twirled in perfect spirals and perfectly on target. He looked at ease in the pocket and with a simple flick of his wrist, the ball went flying. I could tell he was holding back. I wonder how much.

I found out in the fourth quarter. We were down twenty one to twenty eight with forty two seconds to go. Third down. Coby had the ball on the fifty yard line. Grayson threw a great pass to Jackson but he fumbled. The crowd booed. Thirty second left. Everyone thought we didn't have a chance. I knew better.

Forth down. The ball was snapped and Grayson looked calm. The clock ticked down. People put their heads in their hands. I couldn't tear my eyes from him. Grayson suddenly drew his arm back. The ball flew. I looked frantically around the field. Who was going to catch it? Then I saw Jason rushing down the field. He caught the ball right as he foot entered the endzone, the defense no where in sight. A perfect pass. The crowd went wild.

"I knew we would come back! Grayson's sooo good!" a girl next to me screamed.

"And sooo hot!" another girl added. They both giggled. They were the fake type. Obviously dyed bright blonde hair (I could see their brown roots), a spray tan so orange I wanted to puke, and teeth that blinded me when I looked over. I could barely tell them apart.

I rolled my eyes. Less then two minutes ago, these girls were saying how the team 'like, totally, sucked'.

I turned back to the game. An extra point would tie the game but a two-point conversion would win. And Grayson always won.

For some teams, it might be obvious of the quarterback came out to kick the extra point. But being the amazing athlete Grayson was, he was also the punter, creating the perfect opportunity for a trick play. Kiera saw this too and we grinned at each other.

The girl who had said Grayson was 'sooo hot' earlier, tapped me on the shoulder and looked me up and down. "You look like you know a lot about football. Why is G only trying to tie? Isn't there a two-point thingy?"

I ignored her dig and answered. "Yeah, it's called a two-point conversion and Grayson--"

She cut me off with a bitchy smile. "Thanks, that's all I needed to know." I raised my eyebrows as she turned her back to me. Whatever. The play was about to start.

Grayson caught the ball. He held it in front of him as if he was about to kick it, but instead he made a sharp turn to the left, dodging three defense men, a spin move around two others and then. Oh. My. God.

A huge linebacker came at him. He made Grayson's 6'4" frame look tiny. He was about to barrel in to his stomach and take him out when Grayson did something astounding. At the last second he threw his momentum forward and flipped, flipped, over the linebacker. He landed perfectly in the endzone with a landing an olympian gymnast would be jealous of.

The crowd was stunned. We probably all looked like fish with our mouths hung open and our eyes wide. One single thought was running through all our heads: Grayson Taylor was absolutely and utterly amazing.

We erupted into cheering, wooting, clapping, and many other forms of praise. Grayson was our savior. The school rushed the field as the final seconds ran off the clock. The Billbury Bulldogs tried to exit the field but were trampled by the Coby Cougars. They hung their heads and we raised ours high.

I could see Grayson in the distance. He was pretty easy to spot, considering he was surrounded by a huge group of people. He had taken his helmet off and tucked it under his arm. His posture suggested he was relaxed, but I could practically feel the adrenaline running through his veins.

Within seconds, his eyes found mine. He grinned and brushed off his groupies that were clinging to him. He made his way towards me. I smiled nervously. His arms were spread wide and his lips were about to form a sentence when a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and spun me around.

"Hell of a game, wasn't it?" Jason asked me.

"And you didn't even need to blindfold them," I joked.

"Aw, come on. We all know you're better at chemistry, let me have football."

"How are you so sure you can bet me at football?" I teased.

He raised an eyebrow. "Considering what I've seen of your hand-eye coordination, I would be better at any sport."

I fake-scoffed. "Fine. I'll show you."

He smirked. "When?"

"Soon," I promised, looking over my shoulder for Grayson, "First, I just have to find--" Then I saw him. He was once again surrounding by his admirers. He laughed and I saw a flash of his bright white teeth. I couldn't hear it but I'm sure it was beautiful. His foreman was wrapped tightly around his helmet and I could see his muscles from here. Then I noticed his other arm. It was wrapped around a girl. A girl in very short shorts considering the fall breeze, or even the summer heat, and a tanktop which looked like it would fall apart. It was the very same girl who had sat next to me during the game. The one I already hated. Now even more so.

"Find who?" Jason asked, making me turn around to face him.

I gave him a tight smile, putting the image of Grayson and that girl out of my mind. "No one."


Hope you guys liked this chapter. I love Grayson playing football :) Remember to comment and vote!

** REWRITING ** Tidal WaveWhere stories live. Discover now