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"Bruh why do you keep putting yourself in these predicaments with her!?"

"Nigga if you cannot understand that I just wanted closure to be done with her ass then I don't know what to tell you!!" I rolled my eyes as I stripped from my clothes to take a shower

"Did you guys come to a end? Because in all honesty, you're not about to keep doing ruthless shit! I should've put two and two together from the way you were acting to the way you were dressed. Look I care about you too much for some shit to happen to you. So Char'Miaa I am begging you to bring your hype down. You cannot be taking the negative routes all the time." We stood in his bed room staring at eachother until I spoke up

"I hear you, I'm done... I am hurt but I'm glad I spoke with Aaliyah and Milaa... I just want a happy and stress free life and I understand that's not possible but I'm willing to move on from my past. Im tired of being sad. I want to be truly happy, explore the world with you by my side. I love you so much, thank you for caring about me" I spoke semi slowly, walked up to him and grabbed his face, then placed a lingering kiss on his lips.

He signed before saying he love me too and giving me the tightest hug ever. One of them good hugs that makes you moan.

"Go ahead a take your shower, I'll cook us some dinner" he started to unwrap his arms from around my waist until i grabbed both of them

"Hold me please" he obeyed and held me and tight as I was holding him. After two minutes he picked me up by my waist and laid down with me on top of him

"Talk to me, about your childhood" I said as I listened to his heart beat, when I asked that it seemed like his heart stopped for a second

"Umm, I use to live with my mother Joyce. We were close, I looked out for her and she of course did the same for me. It was hard for her raising me because my father Clinton wasn't there. That was until she got a boyfriend. In the beginning it was all cool, he was chill. He had a job and he was very respectful but after awhile he became too controlling, he started abusing my mother that's when I drew the line. I didn't have no respect towards him, When I'd try to voice my opinion or release his hands off of her he'd hit me too. It got so bad that I wanted to kill him..." He croaked the last sentence

"Is she still with him?" I looked up at him and wiped his tears away

"No, I killed him" He stated bluntly. I gasped

"Are you serious!?" Shocked wasn't even a word to describe how I felt right now

He chuckled and nodded his head and proceeded with his story

"One night he came in drunk and told my mother to fix him some food, but my mother just finished cooking. She fixed him a plate and took it to him as he sat in the living room couch with me not too far away from him on the same couch. He took the plate out of his hands and mugged the food and started yelling I don't want this bullshit. I saw he was about to hit her and snuck my belt off of my waist. I was right, he flipped the hot plate over on my mother making her scream out in pain, her screaming made him jump to his feet and grab her neck roughly trying to take every ounce of breath she was previously breathing. As soon as I saw my mother's face turn red from crying and becoming breathless, my fear turnt into anger so I hurried and wrapped the belt around his neck as tight as I can, standing on the couch. He tried to swing me off of him but my mother kicked him in his shit which caused him to hunch over and groan out of pain. Throughout all of this motion I, somehow, was still strangling him with every muscle in my body. All of the memories of him hitting us, cursing at us, degrading us, everything that he did came flashing before me and my anger rose times a thousand. My mother was Screaming my name trying to take my hands away from my belt but I was way too strong in the moment. She screamed and told me I was going to kill him, when I looked down at his face it was a mixture of red and purple. His heart had stopped beating and pumping blood, he stopped breathing the toxic air that was filled with so many emotions. I was happy meanwhile my mother cried hysterically. I wasn't too much worried because my uncle was a lawyer, my aunt is a police officer, my cousin Red had some connections to clear the scene or make it look suicidal. I couldn't even say anything, I didn't know he went through all of this. It is true you learn something new everyday

"How did this incident pass over? How do you deal with this?" I now straddled his lap with both of my legs on both of his

"Well my mother called my cousin Red and told him to call his people's up. He told them that they had a scene to clean and they made it look suicidal.. as far as dealing with it, I just take it day by day asking God to forgive me. I honestly don't regret it but I wished the situation was handled differently. Violence is never the answer but I just couldn't take it anymore... After that night, me and my momma never talked about it. She slowly drifted way, not speaking to me, not making eye contact... but that was ten years ago" He looked down in shame, as he started to play with the drawstrings to my shorts

"Hey, do not feel ashamed of yourself and please don't think that by you telling me this makes me think of you differently because I can assure you it damn sure doesn't. You're still the same man I love and want to grow old with. You have a beautiful soul inside and out and it's only so much a person can take. Yes, the situation could've been handled differently but that was ten years ago, you cannot spend the rest of your life dwelling on the past. You can either make some counseling appointments, get saved, or speak to your mother."

"sPEaK tO My MoMmA!? After all of these years? Naah Im good on that" he kindly placed me on the other side of him and started to pace the soft off-white carpet

"Chris, how can you go on with your life everyday not hearing your moms voice? Do you even know her whereabouts? If she's okay physically and emotionally?

"Yeah... I do, my Aunt Christine makes sure I know her address and number at all times." He sat down rubbing his head

"Pass me my phone" he signed, but me, I squealed and did what he told me to do. He clicked onto his contacts going straight to his mother's number and clicked on it. After awhile, she answered.




Hey You Guyyyysssss💕

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Omg did y'all see Tempo video!? 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

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