Update for Louanna Shippers & Others!

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Okay, so. This may not be a chapter, which completely sucks, I know. I apologize for that. But you know what is great guys? Well;

This is dedicated to Louanna shippers who are desperately waiting for Louis & Anna Lee to somehow fall in love. And since they've been separated for some time, I'd like to get them back together like little ol' time before. So, as I start, here are a few updates for you to redeem myself after all the lack of chapters which I'm sincerely sorry for. I hope you will be happy with this news!

*There will be some conflicts between the boys and the two sisters.

Yeah, for some reason, I really like fights. Sorry. XD. It just gets the story more intense.

*Anna and Alison are getting kidnapped, over again.

Mhm, yes they are. It will start in the next chapter, which is some exhilerating news for me because I'll basically have to write that in like a few hours probably.

*1D getting lost in the woods, and some surviving adventures, etc.

Yes, I'm really looking forwards to this. xD. I don't know how I came up with this but it'll take place after a few chapters.

*I'll update more frequently for you guys.

I promise this time, I love you all so much and I don't wanna put you down. I'll finish this story as soon as I can, and we'll see after.

*There might be a sequel.

Highly possible, but we'll see ;).

*There might be a chance that sooner or later, there'll be a Louanna kiss.

And I'm not kidding, this could happen. Some of you have been debating on whether you want more Louanna, and jeez I'm totally agreeing with you. I've been shitting with this story for like months  and nothing came out of it. Yes, I'm redeeming myself to you with this.

I hope I made myself clear. I'm not fucking with you guys, I'm for real here. If you have any serious questions that you want me to answer ASAP, tell me bellow and I'll answer them to you. An update will come soon, also!

Love you, stay safe my darlings. <3

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