Chapter 21

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A/N: Hey Wattpad sweethearts. I just gotta do this quick Author's Note because I wanted to tell you how much I love you. You are supporting and reading my story, commenting, voting. Some even PM'ed me and said they were crying and addicted to this story. I love you so much, you have no idea. I wish I could hug you all. D:

So, I've got this surprise because you all love my story....

SOME LOUANNA LOVE INTO THE STORY. No that doesn't mean they are together, they're still friends. I'm going to put Anna Lee and Louis through this whole chapter because you guys told me you loved Louis and Anna Lee and their friendship is so cute- BUT OMFG ISN'T THAT AWESOME.


~Alison's POV~

We watched Anna Lee slowly stir, yawning cutely before opening her eyes. ''Hi Alison.'' She smiled, ''Hi boys...'' She turned to her side and buried her head into the pillow. ''... Boys?''

She looked at us quickly, before her eyebrows shot up. She let out a shriek and almost rolled out of bed, ''Anna Lee!'' Liam yelled as we all jumped onto the couch, trying to catch her, but she fell. We looked over the couch to see her rolling onto the floor. I raised my eyebrow, what the fuck?

She stood up, ran around the room and climbed onto the table, ''I just need to test, if I'm not dreaming'' She opened her arms wide and closed her eyes. My eyes widened, ''Anna Lee! NO!'' Louis screamed, falling from the couch as he crawled to the table and Anna Lee fell into his arms.

''I knew you were coming back someday, Louis bear.'' She whispered, grabbing his shirt into her hands. ''You didn't  forget about me.''

''I would never forget about you!'' Louis settled himself down onto the couch, carefully with Anna Lee into his arms. Liam wrapped his arms around me, ''I think we should go.''

I nodded and we went off the couch, ''Niall and Zayn...'' I sighed, looking at the two staring at the best friends with tears in their eyes. ''I know it's cute to watch, but we should really let them alone.'' I whispered and tugged at their shirts, they groaned.

''But why?'' Zayn whined.

I smiled, ''Louis might found his princess. So I suggest we should have them their moment alone.'' , Zayn walked to the kitchen, head low.

''But I want my princess too!'' Niall crossed his arms and pouted. I smiled at the cuteness, and hugged him, ''You'll get your princess soon. Just wait, she's on her way.''

~Louis' POV~

I watched how she slowly let out a yawn, and opened her eyes. I smiled and intertwined our fingers together. Her eyes trailed down to her hands, as he smile faded. I felt like there was something wrong. ''Why did you came back?'' She asked, softly. I furrowed my eyebrows. ''Don't you want me to be with you then?'' I whispered, squeezing her hand. She smiled,

''Of course I want.'' She replied. ''But I don't understand. Why do you still care that much for me?'' , her fingers left mine as she pulled her head away from my lap and sat some inches away from me.

My eyes furrowed. I missed her touch already. ''Anna Lee, what are you saying? I care for you because you're someone really special to me. And why are you crawling away from me?'' I whined and sat down next to her, grabbing her wrists and pulling her head down onto my chest. She chuckled, playing with my  fingertips. ''You're so adorable.''

I smiled, ''No, you are.'' I whisper, as I put my forehead onto her's. She giggled, ''Lou. I ain't that adorable.'' She rolled y eyes, ''Look at me!''

''You look fine!'' I chuckled, ''You are shining bright like the sun.'' , she blushed as she grabbed my beanie from my head and I watch her slid it all the way down over her own head, covering her red face. I chuckled, ''Ey! Don't cover your face.''

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