Chapter 38

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A/N: Welcome to a whole new chapter where things are going to change alot. I shall make you all discover, how important Friendship, Love and Family is. Today, it's where the tables flip, which means that the crappy and funny stuff that always happened, now will turn into something unexpected; adventure and suspense. Much more pain, survival, and ofcourse the main subject; Kidnapping. I hope you're all ready for this, because I certainly am!

Take a nice firm grip on your chair, because it's time to all get a good view of how Anna Lee and Alison, even the boys to survive through Friendship, suffer through loss and pain, worry and sorrow towards their family, and find Love to make them strong. And may you all write down a comment of what your thoughts are of this particular first chapter.

I salute yew all. c:

It all started with a heavy nice winter, where the Mckenzo Family lived in a small house in London. A small, depressing, regular family. There was a man, and a women. They loved each other so much, that if something caught on fire, they wouldn't even notice. She was Lesprite, he was Mckenzo. But I call her mom, and I call him dad. Their love was so strong, that soon -- a little new born came into life. It was unexpected, but they were happy. They told me that.

Every baby in the hospital would cry whenever they were picked up, but Mrs. Lesprite little angel only stared up at her everytime she held her into her arms. That's when they summoned her Anna Lee. And they couldn't be happier to have her into their lifes.

Months passed on, and Anna Lee started to learn new things. She was a very exciting one, difficult and always happy. Ofcourse, that's where things were getting into a mess. Mrs. Lesprite and Mr. Mckenzo still had to work, but they succeed to shift the schedules a little with both their bosses. Anna Lee kept on throwing food around, let her drink fall and hide her toys just to enerve her parents. But hey, she was just a baby! She couldn't possibly know they were going to get angry, it was like a sort of game to her.

When she turned three years old, Miss Lesprite and Mister Mckenzo helped Anna Lee blow the candles out on her cake. They clapped for her, kissed her both onto the cheek. Anna received a bracelet with her name graved inside it, and it was her first birthday present, ever.

Miss Lesprite started to act differently a few weeks after Anna Lee's birthday; she started to get dizzy, she gained fat for some reason, her stomach hurt alot. Mister Mckenzo felt hopeless, not knowing what to do at that point. Anna Lee had no clue why her mom sometimes cried in front of the window at night, she thought her mommy was going to die, but Miss Lesprite wasn't...

She had a baby, again.

When she arrived just like Anna Lee, Miss Lesprite and Mckenzo both came up to an idea of a name for her the first time she opened her eyes. They both said 'Alison' at the same time, and then laughed afterwards, happy. Alison always talked -- little attempting baby noises escaping her lips. And Miss Lesprite always smiled and talked back to her, saying that she'd be her little flower that would bloom so beautifully, have the most glamourous petals of all. Alison always listened to her, even though she was a baby.

Alison turned three, and the six year old Anna Lee held her into her hands. Her hair was into a pony tail, and she had a little dress on. Encouraging Alison to blow out the candles, was all she ever did that day. "You can do it, Ali. Come on!" The little girl's both their laughter made their parents immensely happy. It was what kept their family so special, and they both knew.

Narnia turned out to be Anna Lee's favourite movie ever, and Alison also liked it but not as much as her older sister. She'd rather be putting her nose into fantasy books instead of fangirling over Peter Pan saving Nerverland and becoming the Queen of Narnia. Their parents were getting all the more exhausted from work, more older.

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