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Introduction to characters:


They make me feel obligated to do what they say, i want them to be happy but I want to choose my own path. So many things float around in my head as they keep blabbering on about who i should become, but I don’t want to look that far into my future. I want to be surprised by who i turn out to be.

This summer, I hope everything changes, and for the better. I always listen to my parents and do what they say and I am over it, I am going to do things my way now and so what if they don't like it. I wish it was time for school already, I don’t want to be bothered by my annoying parents anymore, I need to go somewhere, out of town, with Annabelle. She is the only person who understands me, but only because she lives in this wretched house along with me.

My friends wouldn’t understand what I have to go through every minute of the day. Sarah and Rachel have perfect houses with the perfect family, and they are so perfect. I don’t understand how I have put up with them my whole life, I am nothing like them. It is time to make some new friends.

I will do whatever it takes to get out of this city and go somewhere that there are normal people that don’t need a million dollar house and four cars to survive. I want a quiet little town where I can have fun and be me, someone that has never come out of her shell because her parents have always told her what to do and how to do it. It is time to get away from this place, and there is nothing that will stop me!


I hate this place, but then again i guess i love it too. It has been my home for my entire life, so i can’t say all bad things. Most people would love living on the beach year round, but there are too many bad memories for me here. Not to mention how small of a town it is. I always wanted more, but i never really got a chance. I have to stay for my dad because if i left who would he have left? Well i suppose he would still have Luke, but i doubt i can really rely on him anymore. He hasn’t exactly been around lately. So, i’m stuck here along with everyone else.

Things have been hard for everyone in my household, but somehow it is left to me to be the one to handle everything. It seems like they all expect me to deal with their problems and honestly i’m sick of it. I just want to be a teenager that only has to worry about relationship issues and other stupid things. Not one that has to worry about how they are going to pay the bills or buy the groceries.

I feel like i am two completely different people most of the time. At home i am the responsible daughter that my family desperately needs. Responsible is the last word my friends would describe me as. To them i am a carefree girl just looking for a good time.
Honestly, who cares if i get into a little trouble every now and then? With everything i have to deal with i deserve to have some fun. I have to make sure i don’t take it too far is all.

In a way I feel as if no one knows the real me. Maybe i don’t even know who that is any more. Well, there is one person that claims to know me better than anyone, but i can’t say that i buy it. Zane is my best friend, but not even he knows everything. That is exactly how i want it..

I really need a vacation from my life and this summer might just be what i am looking for. It is time to start having fun and that is exactly what i plan to do. With nothing holding me back, this summer just might be the best yet!


Author's Note:

So, this story is going to be written by two people. We are going to alternate chapters, so one will be from Leila's point of view and then the next will be from Shay's. Anyway, we hope that you like it and votes/comments would be awesome :)

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