Chapter 8(Shay)

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Chapter 8  (Shay)

“Who would have thought she could punch so hard?” Luke groans while holding an icepack to his face.

“You deserve a lot worse than that, you jerk! How could you do that to her?” I snap, narrowing my eyes at him.

“It’s not like I haven’t done it a hundred times before. Now you’re suddenly starting to care?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“It’s different this time. She is my friend!” I reply harshly.

Of course it has always bothered me how he treats girls. I felt bad for all of the ones that he led along to believe that he cared, but I didn’t know any of them. It was easier to not get involved when I didn’t see how upset they were. I know Leila, though, and she is probably one of the nicest people I have ever met. Leila is so sweet and innocent, I really can’t understand why anyone would want to hurt her. The fact that it was my own brother just makes it ten times worse. She deserves so much better than Luke.

“Well, I didn’t know that!” Luke says, looking very uncomfortable with the whole situation.

“I honestly don’t know what she saw in you in the first place. She is way to pretty for you,” I respond, knowing that it will irritate him.

“She may be cuter than most girls, but she has got nothing on me,” he replies, looking pissed off.

“Let’s see how girls like you with that huge bruise on your face.”

“It makes me look tough,” he declares and I burst out laughing.

“Yeah, I bet once everyone hears how you were beat up by a girl they will think you’re really tough,” I tell him and a frown settles on his face.

“No one is gonna find out,” he says nervously and I smirk at him.

“We’ll see.” I start walking towards the door, but Luke stops me.

“You wouldn’t.” He glares at me, but I just give him a big smile and continue on.

“By the way, you get to watch dad tonight,” I shout and shut the door behind me before he can protest.

The other day Zane asked if I wanted to go to the movies tonight and I eventually agreed. He was supposed to come to my house to pick me up, but I don’t really want to sit around with my brother so I might as well go to his house.

While I’m walking I text Leila to make sure she is okay and apologize for my brother being a jerk. She responds a few minutes later saying that she will be fine and will talk to me later about it. She also adds in that her sister found them an apartment on our street. I reply to that with a smiley face and then put my phone away.

When I reach Zane’s house I don’t even bother knocking and just let myself in. I stroll down the hallway, looking for either Zane or his mom. Instead I end up running into Shane. He is walking down the stairs that I was just about to head up. When he sees me a smile lights up his face and I give him one in return.

“Hey, Shay. I assume you’re here to see Zane,” he says and I nod. “So, are you two dating then?”

“Why does everyone always assume that we are together? We are just friends!” I declare, louder than necessary. It is really starting to annoy me. I mean, can’t a guy and a girl just be friends?

“Oh, it’s just you spend a lot of time with him is all,” he replies. “So, does that mean I might have a chance with you?”

“I don’t know,” I answer, biting my lip.

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