Blame it on September

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           Summers never last. That has been the one thing I could always count on. They are fun while they are happening, but then the Fall comes too soon and everything comes to an end. It has always been my favorite season, but I was always glad that it ended. I mean, how can it be special if it goes on forever? It is better to have someting to look forward to.

          At least that was always how I thought of it, that is until that one particular summer. Everything changed in such a short amount of time, for good and for bad. The only thing I was certain of by the end of it, was that I wanted more.

         There wasn’t enough time left to say everything that needed to be said or to do all of the things that needed to be done.Three months is a short time, but so much can happen in that brief period. I would know that better than anybody.

         Time began to slip between my fingers like grains of sand, but i desperately held on. Like it does every year the air eventually became cooler and people began to return to their normal lives. I just wanted to feel the sand between my toes and to feel salty ocean water against my skin one last time. For once in my life I wanted things to stay as they were, but if I really thought they would I was sadly mistaken.

       More than anything it terrifies me how quickly people are to forget. I often lay awake wondering if I am the only one that will remember this summer that meant everything to me. What if everyone else just forgot and I was alone in my hopes of it lasting?

       In the end, it might be easier to go back to how things were, back to pretending like everything is okay when all you want to do is scream in frustration. Life before was monotonous, but at least you always knew what was coming next. People will always chose the problems they are familiar with over diving into some new unfamiliar territory yet to be explored. I don’t want to be one of those people. I will do anything to hold onto my summer, even if it means losing everything else because of it.

                                                                     -Thoughts of Leila and Shay

Blame it on SeptemberWhere stories live. Discover now