Chapter 6: For Forever

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Once upon a time, she had seen a movie about a poor girl who was in love with the prince on the white horse. After the dance they had, he had asked her to marry her. Blair had always thought that no proposal could be more romantic than that one. She was so wrong. She had always thought she would marry Nate. After their romance ended, she felt no guilt or heartbreak. In fact, she almost felt relieved. She felt like everything had been so planned out between them. Everything had to be regulated and perfect. She had every thing in her mind since she was 12. She had made a book about weddings and proposals. Every detail about her wedding was written in that book. Nobody had ever seen it, except Serena ofcourse. The proposal she just agreed to was  supposed to have gone different. But this was so much better and she wouldn't have wanted it in any other way. Chuck Bass had basically asked her to marry him. Ofcourse they had to talk about everything, about life, about their love and problems, but she knew that there was only one single thing she wanted.Him.  And she knew nobody else would be able to steal her heart anymore from him. The little diamond on the ring was sparkeling. Her ring. She knew she wouldn't take it off anymore after this. It was his promise and her hope for the future. 

She never wanted to leave the ESB, but she knew they had to go home. It sounded strange to her. Still, home for her was wherever he was. The Empire, his home was hers too now. His bed, was hers. His food in the fridge, was hers. His heart was hers. She knew that tonight wasn't over yet. In the elevator, down again to the ground, they barely could keep their hands of each other. They still managed to make it to the limo before going crazy on each other. Chuck said between two kisses to Arthur: "Home, please. And as fast as possibl-" He was cut off for the 3th time that evening by her kiss on his lips. Arhur smiled and  shook his head a little bit before rolling the window ,that was dividing the 2 parts of the limo, down. Her hands were discovering every single part of him. He did the exact same thing. The kisses on her lips, soon became kisses on her neck. The nape of her neck had always fascinated him, so beautiful, so delicate. Before they could even reach the Empire, they were both in the heat of the moment, not even realising that Arthur had knocked a few times on the door, telling them that they reached their destination. Blair was not wearing much anymore, so he covered her warm, gracious body with his coat. He carried her in bridal-style out of the limo and never lost eye contact with the woman whose heart just came home.

"Three words. Eight letters. Say it, and I'm yours."

She heard the cold gold sunshine on her naked back and woke up with the sound of someone making breakfast. She sat up and for a few seconds she didn't remember how she landed naked into Chuck's bed. When the memories of the night before flashed through her mind, she smiled and fell back into the softness of the bed. From the moment they had entered his apartment, they immediately went straight to the bedroom. They had made love to each other until the first light of the sun started to be visible at the horizon. Exhausted but pleased, they had fallen asleep in each others arms. It had been incredible, mind-blowing love-making. As usual, ofcourse. She couldn't even imagine doing it with anybody else. They knew they were very loud doing the thing, and she even had heard someone shout from the nearby appartment to stop it. They both didn't care. It was their moment, no-ones else's. 

She slowly stood up, still a little bit sore from last nights/early morning events and took one of her favourite shirts out of his walk-in closet. She wasn't ashamed of how she looked at all, and  she was defenitely not pure at all. But something still made her a little bit self-conscious. There was no part of her body he had not seen. Maybe it was because of how the way he looked at her body, full with desire and love. She always felt like a little vulnerable girl when he touched her. She also put some panties and a bra on, just in case. Luckily she had, because in the kitchen, She didn't see her knight in the shining armour standing and making her breakfast. It was Nate and when he turned to look at her they were both suprised and felt awkward. "Oh God, Blair!". He quikely looked at the eggs in the pan, ashamed and turning red. "Fuck, Nate, oh shit. I thought you were Chuck". Nate laughed, still turning red. "No, no. I'm sorry. Haha, Chuck is already gone. He left you a note on the table". She felt a little bit down after he had said that. She had hoped to find Chuck in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of them. Before looking at the note, she changed in her normal clothes again. 

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