Chapter 8: Hospital Home

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Blair Waldorf had seen many bad things in her 18 years of existence. She had seen things nobody would ever want to see. The moment she opened the door in the hospital that would become her second home for a long, long time, she knew that what she was looking at, the bruised,broken body of Chuck, would be forever printed in her mind. She knew that she would never be able to forgive it. Her hands were shaking and closed her eyes. What if this was just a bad dream? Maybe it was because the sound of his heartbeat on the monitor that brought her back to real life. This wasn't a dream. She knew that she was just fooling herself by hoping that. She opened her eyes again and walked slowly to the hospital bed.

Tubes and little wires were everywhere. A mask that provided oxygen was placed over Chuck's mouth and lips. The lips she had kissed a few hours before. There were big blue and red bruises on his arms and neck. She didn't dare to look at his face, afraid of what she might see. No... no. This isn't real. She kept telling herself that this couldn't be true. They were so in love, so new, so fresh. It was like nothing could be for once perfect, like there was always a black cloud above her head, that always hid the sunlight if things were going too good. She broke down in a sob when she finally dared to look at her lovers face. His eyes, his beautiful eyes were closed and there was a bandage around his forehead. His hair was messy and she could see half of it was clutterd with blood. His blood. Her sobs turned now into ugly tears. The tears she was crying for herself, for him, for them both were falling on the hospital blanket that was covering the rest of his body. She was almost afraid to touch him, afraid that she would hurt him. She bended down a placed a light kiss on the bridge of his nose. She took his hand into hers and sat down on the chair that was standing next to his bed. She was crying loud now and she knew Serena or Nate would come in sooner or later. She whispered inbetween her sobs to Chuck: "Please, fight. I can't do this without you. My.. my world is worth nothing if you don't make it..". She hoped for him to react to her sweet but sad words, but ofcourse nothing happened. This wasn't a movie. This was real-life. She continued to whisper and tell him things, hoping for any kind of reaction. In the mid of saying for the thousand time 'i love you' she heard cheering and music in the hall. She looked at the clock. It was midnight. A New Year. She laid her head down on the available lspace next to his on the hospital bad and whispered while stroking his cheek lightly: "Happy New Year". She smiled lightly. This was the worst beginning of a new year ever. Still, she couldn't imagine being with anyone else than him. 

Serena, Nate and Lily entered the room. Blair had fallen asleep next to him. She looked so out of place in her red evening gown. Serena and her mom looked at her with sad smiles. Nate had walked over to the little closet and put a blanket over Blair's sleeping body. "They didn't deserve this". Lily whispered to her daughter and her daughter's on-and-off boyfriend. The doctor knocked a little too harsh on the door, causing B to wake up. 

"Happy New Year, you all. I assume you are Chuck's mother and sister?" Doc. McCallister asked the two blondes in the room. They nodded. Blair rubbed her eyes and looked at Chuck's lifeless body before sighing again. "As I told you before, the surgery went well. It's only the coma we are worried about now, from all his other injuries he will recover". The doctor looked straight at Chuck, saying those words.  Nate, who was standing in the back of the room walked to Blair and padded her shoulder. "That's good right?". The doctor smiled sadly, just like Serena had done before. "Yes, but.. I cannot tell you when Mr.Bass is going to wake up and in what state he will be if he does". Blair stared at the white wall behind the doctor. If he does. If she will ever hear him talk again. If he doesn't die. The doctor continued: "Right now, he needs oxygen to survive. So it's not looking really good.. But I promise you all that me and my team will do everything to wake him up again". He was looking at Blair directly, unable to imagine how hard it must be for the young girl. "Someone he knows and is familiar with, should visit him everyday and talk to him. Most people in a coma are able to hear people say things, they are just unable to react to it. But right now, I think it's for the best that you all go home. You all do look tired. Go home and sleep. There are nurses that look over him 24/7, so nothing can happen". Nate nodded his head and both Serena and Lily also  agreed with the doctor. 

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