Chapter 10: Invincible Infinity

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6 years later.

Blair Walorf(-Bass, since a few years now) woke up with the familiar crying of her baby boy, laying in the new crib Serena had given her when she gave birth to her little angel. It was so true what she had heard about giving birth and seeing your baby for the first time. 23 hours of labor, in so much pain were quikly forgotten when she held Henry Bass. It was the most beautiful child she had ever seen, pure perfection. She had cried happy tears when he had looked up at his mother and opened his eyes. They were a deep brown colour, just like his father's eyes. She knew in that moment that she would do anything to protect her baby and his father at all costs. She would rather die than seeing them hurt. The happiness and joy that Henry had brought her and Chuck, was so intense and so beautiful. Nothing had been so perfect in her life before. She had married the love of her life, had an amazing career as fashion designer and she was a mom. Blair Waldorf, a mom. Of Chuck Basses child. Sometimes it made her laugh and smile at the same time. If you would have told her this 10 years ago, she would have thought you were crazy. She often thought about life at Constance, what happened at prom, the hurt and problems she had needed to go through all those years ago.. It was worth every single part of it. And she would do it all again if she needed to. Just to have this perfect life she was living right now. 

She opened her eyes and sighed. She loved her baby more than anything, except Chuck ofcourse, but he cried so much! And he was hungry 24/7! She felt so tired of getting up each 2-3 hours. She just wished she could sleep once through the whole night without being woken by her son. She was just ready to sit up when she felt a hand on her shoulder, pushing her down on the bed again. She smiled lightly when she heard her husband speak.

"I'll go. You should rest." Chuck sat up himself and got out of the bed. He yawned and put on the shirt that Blair almost had ripped off him last night. Serena and Dan had taken care of Henry so Blair and Chuck could be alone for a few hours. They had eaten in her favourite restaurant and after that, they had gone home to do the thing they both desired. The love-making was still mind-blowing awesome, even after all those years. 

Chuck returned with his 6 months-old son laying in his arms, still crying. 

"Hey baby, it's okay. Daddy's here." Chuck looked adoringly down at his son and kissed his forehead. Blair watched them closely. This was her favourite thing to do. Well after making love and shopping ofcourse. Chuck had turned into such a softie when Henry was born. He was always so careful and worried about him. Blair watched them, proud of the two men in her life. 

"Are you a little bit hungry?" The little boy made a little noise inbetween his cries and he touched Chuck's chin with his little fingers. C smiled and looked at Blair, only to see that she had fallen asleep again. 

"Come on baby, let's go to the kitchen". The brown curls and the porcelain skin the little boy got from his mother seemed to light up in the early, so fresh sunlight that shone right into the kitchen. 

When Henry became 5 years old, he started to ask some questions about his parents. He knew that his mother and father were famous on the Upper East Side. Suddenly, when Blair was talking to her husband about Serena's upcoming wedding with Dan, Henry stopped playing with his train he got from Nate a few days ago. He interrupted the conversation, even when he knew his mother often told him that he couldn't do that. 

"Mommy? When did you and daddy meet?" Blair looked suprised at her son. 

"Henry, we've told you so many times. You can't just interrupt a conversation mommy and daddy are having." Chuck spoke, always calmly to his son, while playing with his wife's hair. When Henry was born, he made a promise to himself never to shout or yell at his son. He didn't want to be his father. Blair once's told him he was becoming a man in a way his father never was. He had had a hard time to believe that, but he still did. 

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