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    I stretch and feel a heavy weight on my body from my chest down. I open my eyes and gaze in horror at the large hand that covers my body. I try to pull myself out from under it but Jason's voice makes my body freeze in fear. "Don't worry I won't hurt you just hold still and let me have a look at you." I feel the bed shake slightly as he sits up and takes hold of my body between his pointer finger and his thumb. He sets me down standing up, in the palm of his right hand. I tremble as his eyes look me over. "You know, we have several humans wash up on our beach but very rarely a girl." No wonder they were so surprised by me being a girl. I gaze down, carful not to look him in the eye but he slips his finger under my chin and forces my head up. He looks carefully at my face and pushes a strand of my chocolate brown hair away from my face. "You are pretty. Why would a girl such as yourself be at sea during this war?" I draw in a deep breath trying to figure out an answer that wouldn't hint at me being the daughter of the human king. "Just trying to get to Versocove to see my cousin." He looks at me with a slightly shocked expression. "You must be either very brave or very foolish to cross the sea during such a turbulent time."

He lets his finger fall away from my face and quickly wraps his hand around my waist. "Hey! What are you doing?" I stutter as he holds me to his chest and gets out of bed. "Calm down, I'm taking you with me." He sets me on the desk and walks behind a large changing screen. "Where?" "I'm not sure yet, but I'm not leaving you in my room. Your much too valuable for that." It takes a minute but soon he is standing over me in a dark blue jacket and white pants. A gold rapier hangs at his side. He smiles at me and holds out a navy blue dress. This is for you. He sets it in front of me and turns to leave. "I will be back in a minute to get you. Hurry and change... what is your name?" "Annabelle." I say quickly not realizing that might be a hint as to who I am but luckily he doesn't catch on. "I'll see you in a minute Annabelle."

I pull on the dress and marvel at the beautiful yet simple design. The dark navy blue fabric is soft to the touch and is tight around the bust then poofs out around my waist, splitting into two navy blue pieces and revealing a soft white fabric in the center. I twirl around forgetting for a moment where I am until I hear Jason sign in contentment. I quickly turn to him and listen to the dress swish around me. He smiles and kneels in front of me.

"You look beautiful." I curtsy but keep my head down. "Please look at me Annabelle." I lift my head slightly but I still don't look directly at him. "Well, I guess that's good enough." He gently wraps his hand around me and sets me in a chest pocket. His cologne is smothering. "Jason, where are you taking me?" He chuckles and pats the pocket causing me to fall back slightly. "We, are going to have a picnic on the beach with my mother." "Why are you taking me?" "You are now my pet and I don't want you to escape while I'm gone so I am taking you with me." "I'm a what?" Did he say I was his pet? "You're my pet well, of sorts."


    I take a sharp turn and head out the large front door. Two guards salute as I walk down the path and out the main gate. Annabelle sits safely in my pocket. She seemed shocked when I said she was my pet but what else could she be she has no connections, no reason to be anything more. I softly press my hand against my pocket and feel her petite form. Why am I so attached to her after only one night. I pull my hand away and continue down the path.


    I feel the cold, salty, sea air. It's a nice change from the strong cologne. I smooth out the folds in my dress. At least I'm being treated well. Who knows what is happening to my fellow crew mates. I feel a twinge of guilt but there is nothing I can do right now. All I can do is wait.

    I feel Jason come to a stop and a sweet voice fills the air. "Good morning Jason." I feel him stoop slightly to kiss her hand. "Good morning mother."


    I slowly settle myself on the large blanket. My aged mother settles down beside me. "So, Nick and Samantha tell me that you have a new friend." I can read the laughter in her voice. "Would you like to see her?" She nods excitedly and I reach into my pocket.


    his fingers entwine around me. I close my eyes as the change of light hits me. "Here she is." I feel myself being set on soft fabric. I look up into pale blue eyes, similar to Nick's. She is older. Silver hair falls to her shoulders and small wrinkles are visible on her face but she was still very pretty. "How do you do." Her voice is soft though slightly scratchy. I curtsy and give her a small smile. She smiles and clasps her hands together. "Oh I miss the days when you humans and us giants were friends." She reaches down and strokes my hair. "If only we both hadn't made the mistakes we did." She gently moves her fingers down my back. "Mother." Jason sighs. "What? We have both done wrong but that doesn't mean we should fight." "But mother we have to do something." She looks down at me and sighs. "Do you hear him, he sounds so much like his father." She chuckles slightly. "Mother!" "

What its true, you and your father both rushing to war instead of talking things out. I remember when this girls queen and I were friends. Did you know that I was pregnant with you at the same time she was pregnant with her daughter. I never saw her and she never saw you, the war broke out soon after but I have heard that the princess is a great beauty."

    I shiver slightly knowing that the princess is me. The queen is kind and it wouldn't be the end of the world if she found out but who knows what would happen with Jason. I glance over at him. He smiles at me and glances back at his mother. "You done drooling over her yet." The queen laughs. "Fine, you can have her back but I still want to see her every now and then." "Ok mother." He picks me up and sets me on his lap.

    They talk for a bit but then my eyes settle on a ship just a small ways from shore. A human ship. I feel excitement fill me but then I realize that I am not the only one who sees it. "Jason, what is that?" His mother points at the ship. "I believe that it is a human ship, royal by the looks of it." He glances down at me, a curious look in his eyes. "What in the world is it doing here?" "I have no idea." But I know by his look he has got an idea. He picks me up. "Shall we go inquire Annabelle, Mother?" I look away as the queen answers. "Yes indeed it would be rude to keep them waiting." "Alright then." He puts me into his pocket and our small party heads towards the castle.

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