Found out

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Jason sets me down in front of the door to the great hall. "Wait here we will be back shortly." They set off down the hall and once they are out of sight I slump against the wall. "My father has come for me." Suddenly the sound of opening doors and running human footsteps echo in the hallway and I am wrapped in my fathers loving arms. We both fall to the floor. My body shakes with sobs as he holds me tight. We cling to each other but then I look up and see Jason's anger filled glare. I let my arms fall and my father looks up at the giant prince.

"Good day prince Jason." He steps in front of me blocking me from Jason's gaze. "As to you king William." Jason bows slightly. "What brings you so far from home?" A slight smirk crosses Jason's face as he says this. "I think you very well know my reasons. You have captured my only daughter and the only survivors of the crew that was taking her to safety from yourselves." I breath in slowly and watch as Jason takes a step forward. "So what do you want?" His voice is as cold as ice. "I want them all back at once." My father slowly pushes me back towards our guards. Jason's dark laugh fills the hall. "I don't believe that is possible. I will return the crew members but the girl stays with me." I draw in a sharp breath as fear fills me. "That cant be so." Fathers hand closes around my wrist and he draws me close as a giant guard approaches from the rear.

"Think of it this way, now that I know that she is royalty a marriage is acceptable and it would unite both of our kingdoms stoping the war. Plus she is a beautiful prize and I will marry her with or without your permission though perfervidly with."

My father sighs for even I know that Jason makes a good point. He turns to me and gives me a look of pain. I understand and give a weak nod. There is nothing he can do against a giant in his own home. He squeezes my hand and turns back to Jason.

"Your claim is true and I unwillingly and with great pain award you with the hand of my... daughter. Please take care of her and be carful to not hurt her." My father hugs me a final time.

Jason smiles and nods at the guard behind me who promptly scoops me up. "Bring her to my chambers. I will have your crew handed over to you immediately William and the ceremony will take place this evening. After which you may sail home and retire your weapons for no war will occur between us now. My mother will take you to a room where you and your men may clean up." The last phrase of the sentence fades off as I am carried to Jason's large room. The guard sets me on the bed and leaves promptly letting me alone with my fear.


How could she. I march down the hallway anger brimming. The princess hiding underneath my nose the entire time. I stop right outside my door and take a deep breath trying to calm myself so that I don't hurt her in my anger. I push the door open and step inside and watch the color drain from her face.


I feel the color drain from my face as he approaches the bed. He sheds his coat and undoes his thick collar. I press myself into the covers as he reaches the edge of the bed and lays down. He pinches my waist between his fingers, lifting me above his face. I twist and turn trying to get him to let go. "Calm down your not supposed to be terrified of your soon to be husband." His warm breath washes over me and I hear the spite in his voice. I try one more time to get out of his grasp. This time it works. I fall forward onto his chin and groan from the impact. "Ooh a little eager aren't you." He grabs me again and presses his lips against me. He wants to make me suffer. He lifts me away from his lips, licks them, and gives a soft sigh of contentment. "Why didn't you tell me you were the princess? It would have made this a lot easier. He wraps his hand tightly around me, squeezing me. "Let me go!" He drops me onto his bed with a thump. "Well I guess I must stop for now. I have to make a good impression during the wedding. Then I can do whatever I want to you afterwords." He gets off the bed and stands over me. I shiver letting the words sink in though his anger is starting to fade away. He notices and gently brushes my hair out of my face.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. If we are to be together than we both must get along to some degree. No I will not hurt you but I will teach you not to lie to me."

He kisses my head and sets me on his pillow no trace of anger left. "Now you must rest while I get everything in order." He pulls the covers up and tucks them tightly around me so that I won't escape. "Sleep well Anne." He leaves and I fall into the uneasy clutches of sleep.


I make all the preparations. A cake is made, a suit for me, a matching dress for her, a meal for both the humans and us giants, and the trip planned to go to our main castle. I wait patiently as my servants dress me in my wedding suit meanwhile Anne's new ladies maid dresses her up. This was going to be a fun night.


I gaze in the mirror brokenheartedly as the dress is fitted. It is truly beautiful yet it lacks the excitement of the bride. I sit and watch the world outside as my hair is done till I am called upon. I am carried by a guard down the hall and set in front of my father who gently takes my hand in his. "I am so sorry my darling Annabelle." He brings me into a hug and I feel a tear run down my cheek. He releases me and we walk into the chapel. What few people inside rise along with Jason who, when his eyes fall upon me smiles. I plaster on a small smile and walk forward with my father.

The rest of the wedding goes quickly enough along with the feast. After which my goodbyes to my father and his crew are long and bleak knowing that it will be a very long time till we see each other again. Then, comes the truly terrifying part of the night.

Jason picks me up and brings me to his room where we are to spend the night before setting off to his main castle tomorrow. He smirks at me knowingly. I take a deep breath and prepare for what's to come. He sets me on the bed and lays a thin nightgown in front of me and I quickly change as he does the same with his nightclothes. He then turns to me and pushes me onto my back. "Now hold still." He breaths quietly. I feel his soft lips press against me, pushing me down into the mattress a small ways. I groan and wriggle trying to get him to stop but he move his mouth up and his lips press against my face. He pulls away slightly with a sigh of contentment and nudges me with his nose. "That wasn't too bad was it?" He smiles and climbs into bed setting me on his chest. He strokes me softly. Letting his fingertips brush from my hair all the way down my spine. "Your so soft." He whispers as he rubs in between my shoulders. I don't know what to do, or what to say so I just let him do what he wants.

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