Chap|13 Poor Royalty

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Y/N's POV.

"Y/N...Y/N get up." I heard a soft voice whisper in my ear making me roll over.

"Umm What is it?" I asked as I looked up to see Camila standing in front of me with a whiny Royalty curled up in her arms. Yesterday when I was at her condo, I finally got her to come to my house. She says that she was gonna think about maybe coming to stay with me. But I know that means that  she really wants to. So I brought her and Royalty back home with me.

"It's Royalty, she's sick." Camila said and I could tell that she was worried. I sat up quickly and stood up in front of Camila looking down at my baby. I reached down to rub her head slowly.

"What's the matter with her?"

"I-I'm not really sure, I was downstairs watching tv. When I I heard her start crying and she was so loud Y/N. Way louder than usual, and I went to check on her she was just laying there. Her face was all red and hot. Then she started throwing up and—I was so scared to see her like that."

"Aww baby she's going to be alright, I think she may  have a little fever. But it's nothing that we can't handle."

"But her having a fever, that's what scares me. Her whole body is so warm and achy. I called my mom as soon as I felt her head and she told me to give her a cool bath and to just lay her down to get some rest." I smiled over at Camila and rubbed her shoulders.

"Camila, babe calm down please. I know your worried and that's ok. But I've been through this with her before. She's going to be fine."

She sighed and looked up at me. "You promise?" I nodded as I slowly took Ro out of her arms.

"Of course I do."

"Isn't that right Royalty? Say mommy I'm ok, I'm just not feeling to good today." Royalty just looked at me and burst out crying.

"Ohhh ok, ok momma will leave you alone now." I spoke as I gently sat her on the bed with some pillows around her. "Here Camila lay right here with her while I go and get her some medicine." Camila nodded quickly as she walked around me to the bed. I watched her slowly crawl onto the bed and move her body as close to Ro that she can get without making her cry.

I jogged down the stairs making my may into the second kitchen and looking through the cabinets where I usually kept her medicine. I knew she was probably going to get hungry so I grabbed her a cup of warm milk.

I walked back up the large stairs as quick as I could with Royalty's medicine in my hands. When I finally made it back into my room, Royalty was just sitting up straight towards the door like she was waiting for me. My poor baby, Her little cheeks where all red and her eyes where full of tears. I could just tell she wasn't feeling good, and I hated seeing her like this. It really hurt my heart.

"She's just been sitting here ever since you left the room. She refused to lay down." Camila whispered while rubbing Royalty's back.

" Camila whispered while rubbing Royalty's back

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