Chap40| Ice cream and Surprises

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Y/N's POV.

"So hopefully, this won't be our last time seeing you."  I said as I stood by my truck with Camila standing in front of me. We were standing out here talking as I was about to leave.

She sighed and bit down on her lip like she was really thinking about what I had just said.

"Why you thinking so hard about it?" I noticed how nervous she looked.

She shook her head as she looked up at me and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. "N-nothing it's just- I hate that I can't go back home with you guys right now." She spoke softly as she looked down at Ro.

"Come on Camila don't be worrying about that. You know you got to work."

"Yeah but so do you." She said as she looked me in my eyes. "And you still make time for her you always have."

I turned my head at her words. We just got through talking about us staying out the past and here she is going right back in it.

"Camila what I keep telling you. Stay out the past. We just fixed shit between us we don't need to be worrying about other stuff that's no longer relevant."

"I know I know. It's just hard. I mean what are we going to do when you start back up with your tour soon, then what we'll both be too busy."

"Hey." I said as I grabbed a hold of her hands getting he attention back to me. "We'll get to that when we get there. But for now can we just enjoy us, being in a positive space."

She sighed. "I know you're right, I'm trying hard to stop overthinking things."

I bent down to kiss her cheek. "How about before you have to go back, you come hang with Royalty and I. You know get some ice cream with us or something."

"Crweam!" Royalty yelled out from Camila's arms with a huge grin on her face.

I laughed and waited for Camila's answer. She turned to Royalty and smiled. "Aww baby, would you like for mommy to come with you and momma?"

To just stared at her for a minute before starting to bounce. "Crweam!"

I chuckled as I picked her up out of Camila's arms and threw her in the air. "Alright, ice cream it is."


"So, what are your views of us taking things slow? Like do you think it will help any?" I looked over at Camila watching her eat her ice cream.

"I'm not going anywhere Camila and neither are you. So we'll be fine no matter how slow we take things." I said as I shrugged.

Camila laughed. "Oh really?"

"Hell yeah. And that's a promise." I don't know what she thought was so funny but I was serious as hell right now.

I watched as Camila shook her head and smiled up at me showing her perfectly white teeth.

I watched as Camila shook her head and smiled up at me showing her perfectly white teeth

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"Well I couldn't agree more." She said more in a whisper but of course I could still hear.


"Y/N?" I heard a voice call from behind me. I looked back to see India standing there. "Hey."

I rubbed the back of my head and looked over to Camila. "Um hi India."

Really. What was this girl even doing here? Just as soon as I get Camila back and we start trying to work shit out she had to come around.

"So Maybe now we can actually finish what we started earlier."

Camila looked at me with a serious look that I knew meant she wanted to know what in the hell was going on.

I glared at India as she said that. "Really India. Right now is not the time."

She pretended not to understand as she turned her head at me. "And why is that?"

"I'm in the middle of something. If you can't see that."

She smiled and looked over at Camila who was feeding Royalty her ice cream. 

"Oh! My bad, Camila. Hi it's nice to see you and little Royalty."Camila looked at her with a raised eyebrow and nodded.

India turned back to me. "So back to this, I'm sorry to interrupt. But I feel like you should really listen to me Y/N."

"Listen India." I said slowly as I stood up to face her. Letting my body drape over her. "I don't have time for your shit right now. So can you please go away."

She looked up at me and shook her head. "You know what- no!" I looked at her like she was fucking crazy.

"I'm tired of trying to explain this shit to you and you just brush me off!" She yelled while she hit me on my chest.

I then heard the sound of Royalty's cries and Camila stood up immediately.

"Hey. I don't know what's going on with you two, but I do know that you don't need to be doing this in front of my daughter!"

I sighed as I backed away from India and turned to Camila who was standing there holding Ro.

"I'm sorry baby." Camila sat back down still holding Royalty close to her.

I heard India laugh. "This has nothing to do with you bitch!" She yelled trying to walk closer to Camila.

"Hey chill out!" I yelled as I stood in between them. There was no way in hell I was about to let that shit go down in front of my daughter.

She slapped my hand away and pointed at me. "You know what Y/N fuck you!" She said but before she walked away she grabbed something out of her purse and thew it in front of me.

I looked down at it and frowned. A prenatal paternity test?? Why in hell was India giving me this shit.

I looked back up at her and she smiled. It looked like she was about to cry though.

"Congrats. We're going to have a baby."


OMGGGGG😭😭😩It's been too long without an update guys I deeply apologize😕Buuuttt here it is🤗 and maybe you guys saw this coming maybe not..

But Camila and Y/N seem like their in a good space right now! So yay😁😍

And India finally told Y/N what was up😬👀 do you guys believe her?? Or is she up to no good??🤔

What will Camila's reaction be😳

Let me know your thoughts😌💭

Thanks so much for reading/voting😍🦄also sorry for any mistakes🤕

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